"Raise the Umbrellas" Free Tickets for JA member
記協為會員預留了陳耀成導演執導的 《撐傘》電影門票,費用全免,有興趣的會員請立即登記 (https://goo.gl/forms/wcjaJUfjk5QsEFNB3) 或致電2591 0081留座
HKJA has reserved the film tickets of "Raise the Umbrellas" (hkindieff2017 ) for JA members,enrollment (https://goo.gl/forms/wcjaJUfjk5QsEFNB3) or contact 2591 0081(HKJA)
13/1 8:00pm
Multi-media Theatre,
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Every JA member may reserve the ticket for one non-JA member.
(Maximum 2 tickets for each JA member)
Free Admission
You may take the reserved ticket at the counter, please arrive 15 minutes before the screening
撐傘 Raise the Umbrellas
Hong Kong|2016|117 min|Colour|HD
In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
Director: Evans Chan
以2014年香港雨傘運動為經,民主黨創黨主席李柱銘、「佔領中環」發起人戴耀廷、學運鋭星黃之鋒的生命歷程為緯,鋪陳從八九天安門到一四傘運間,連綿三代的香港民主發展的爭論。本片同時訪問明星政客劉慧卿、「長毛」梁國雄、建制派的曾鈺成。而資深傳媒人黎智英、程翔、新一代的本土派論述者李啓迪、對抗派的黃台仰等談自治、港獨及其危機。前學聯成員梁麗幗、葉泳琳與不同的青年佔領者及雨傘母親們敍述傘運突現之怒,同舟之喜,與瓦解之愁。獨立導演陳耀成把傘運置於全球化及歷史的思維之中;鏡頭從香港草根階層的屋邨、到擾攘的佔領區、到紐約華爾街,尋索雨傘的美學、哲學及其當代意義;而國際名學者孔誥烽、黎安友(Andrew Nathan)、德里克(Arif Dirlik)於片中論傘運的特質及對中港未來的啓示。《撐傘》亦特別聚焦歌聲響徹佔領區的兩位同志藝人:黃耀明和何韻詩,從而展示一個多元化的公民社會,如何在一場令國際矚目的佔領行動中,應運成形,進而衝撃2016年的立法會選舉。
Raise the Umbrellas explores the origin and impact of Hong Kong’s 2014 ‘Umbrella Movement’ through the inter-generational lenses of three post-Tiananmen democratic activists – Martin Lee, founder of the Hong Kong Democratic party; Benny Tai, ‘Occupy Central’ initiator; and Joshua Wong, the sprightly student leader – alongside voices from unknown 'umbrella mothers', student occupiers (Yvonne Leung and Vivian Yip), star politicians (Emily Lau, and 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok Hung, as well as the pro-Beijing heavyweight Jasper Tsang), prominent media professionals (Jimmy Lai, Cheong Ching, Philip Bowring), international scholars (Andrew Nathan, Arif Dirlik and Hung Ho-fung), and activist Canton-pop icons Denise Ho and Anthony Wong. Driven by stirring on-site footage in a major Asian metropolis riven by protest, Raise the Umbrellas reveals the movement’s eco-awareness, gay activism, burgeoning localism and the sheer political risk for post-colonial Hong Kong’s universal-suffragist striving to define its autonomy within China.