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HKJA accepts Wayne Yim's resignation from ExCom

HKJA has accepted and respected Mr. Wayne YIM Kim Ho’s decision to resign from the position of Executive Committee Member of HKJA due to family considerations.   HKJA also has unanimously passed a Resolution of Thanks in the last Excom meeting in regards to his contribution to HKJA during his tenure.
We wish him every success in all his future endeavours.
Hong Kong Journalists Association
Feb 10th, 2014
10/02/2014 01:10   updated more
Previous: HKJA Membership Renewal Notice
Next: A Reporter's Guide - ”When Reporters Meet Law Enforcement Officers” (Chinese Version Only)



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Judgement (19-08-2015)


HKJA's Facebook Page

  2013 Annual Rpeort

2018 Annual Report: Candle in the wind

2017 Annual_Report: Two Systems Under Siege

2016 Annual Report: One Country Two Nightmares 

[ Press Release ] [ All years ]

  2009 Human Rights Press Awards
  The20th Human Rights Press Awards [Details]
  China News reporters Harassment Form
  Online Questionaire for China news reporters on harassment at work"
..... [
Online] / [Paper Form]
  17th Consumer Right Press Awards
  "17th Consumer Right Press Awards "  


HKJA's Publication: "The Journalist"

A publication provides updated news about HKJA and media industry.. [ Details ]


  Subscription to "People will not forget"
  "People will not forget" - A HKJA's Publication for the June 4 Incident
Online Version .. [ Detail ]
Subscription .. [ Detail ]
  Kevin Lau Incident Concern Group


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