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HKJA condemns attack on Inmedia reporter

A reporter from Hong Kong inmedia was assaulted when he covered a demonstration in  Wan Chai on July 1. The reporter suffered several punches by an unidenfitied man from a group of more than 100 people who were all dressed in black. 

The demonstration was held by the League of Social Democrats and Demosisto during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The reporter was surrouded by some unidentified people when he took photos on the banners and placards held by protestors being grabbed by the other group.
The Inmedia reporter was hit on the shoulder twice before an attempt to snatch his camera's memory card was made. During the attack, a foreign journalist also fell to the ground.
HKJA strongly condemns those attacks and urges the Police to give appropriate protection to journalists. 
Hong Kong Journalists Association
1 July 2017


01/07/2017 21:59   updated more
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