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One-day Tung Ping Chau and Kat O Seafood Tour

To celebrate the Chinese New Year together HKJA is organising a voyage to Tung Ping Chau and Kat O with seafood lunch provided on 25 February (Sunday). The itinerary is as follows:
08:30      Meet at the University KCR Station and walk to the Ma Liu Shui Pier.
08:45      Go to Kat O, which is located in the north-east of the New Territories, by licensed ship. Sightseeing at Tin Hau Temple, Yin Yun Tree, etc.
11:00      Enjoy seafood lunch in a Kat O restaurant. Menu: Steam prawns; steam fish with soy-sauce; broccoli with meat; squid ball, steam dry squid, steam chicken, steam spare ribs with soy-sauce, and vegetables. Serve with congee and rice.
12:45      Depart from Kat O and proceed to Tung Ping Chau
14:00      Arrive at Tung Ping Chau. Sightseeing at Wong Yeh Kok Beach, A Ma Wan, Tin Hau Temple and various beautiful stones and shale, and the area around Yan Tian Container Terminal.
15:00      Return by licensed ship.
17:00      Disperse at Ma Liu Shui Pier
There will be games and a lucky draw during the tour. Members who are interested please fill out the reply slip ASAP and send to the HKJA office together with a cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Journalists Association”.
25 February 2007 (Sunday)
-Member: HK$150 Per Person (Each member has a maximum quota of ten)
-Non-Member: HK$190 Per Person
-HK$ 95 for children under 3 years old
23 Feburary 2007 (Friday)
* If you are prone to getting seasickness, please prepare your anti-seasickness drugs.
** This event has a quota of only 50, first come first served.
31/01/2007 16:38:00   updated more
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