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Chairperson Report

Chairperson Report, October 2005

In October, three men smashed a window of an Apple Daily car and threatened to burn it; also a photographer with Next magazine was attacked by two men and suffered multiple injuries. For these the HKJA urged the Police Department to try their best in investigation to ease the worries among journalists. The personal safety is the most important thing for journalists, no news is worth to trade with life.
Ching Cheong has been detained for more than 200 days already; we have no further information yet. On the 200 days of his detention, the HKJA sent a petition letter which signed by the current chairperson and the majority of ex-chairpersons in the last 37 years of HKJA history. The HKJA asked for fair, open and consistent with the rule of law when dealing with Ching Cheong’s case. Later in the Korea Asia Journalists Forum 2005, 14 different associations and representatives signed the joint petition letter to President Hu Jintao regarding the Ching Cheong case.
The Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization will begin soon, all press medias are busy at the previous preparation; some have already bought the helmet and goggles for the protection of their reporters; also many effort have been paid by journalists in the previous research. In light of that, we have organised the news editors from different media to discuss with the Head of MC6 Co-ordination Office Ms. Janet Wong and the Chief Superintendent of Police Public Relations Branch Mr. Ma Wai Luk. More than 20 news editors have attended the meeting. Moreover, we have held the preparation seminar for WTO on 29 October; almost 60 participants joined the morning and afternoon sessions. Another Preparation Seminar for WTO coverage will be held on 26 November (Saturday) from 11a.m. to 1.30 p.m. The topics include labour; medicine; intellectual property; and women issue. Mrs. Do Pang Wai Yee, Assistant Commissioner for Labour Department (Policy support and Strategic Planning); Ms Jenny Yip Kam-ching, Assistant Director-General, Trade and Industry Department (Regional Cooperation); and Mr. Stephen Richard Selby, Director of Intellectual Property Department; and other NGOs representatives will attend. Please give your support. Details please visit our website .
Because the seminar venues do not provide computer for showing PowerPoint or other presentation materials, the HKJA needs a laptop computer. If member has any unnecessary laptop computer (as long as it works), and wants to donate to the HKJA please contact the office staff at 2591-0692.
Last but not least, the HKJA will organise a 20 people Taiwan Medias exchange tour for free from 2-4 January 2006, we welcome our members to join, and details please pay attention to our notice soon.
31/10/2005 15:33:00   updated more
Previous: Chairperson Report, November 2005
Next: Chairperson Report, September 2005



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