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May Day March

Dear member,

The HKJA will participate the May Day March. Our slogan will be ‘Five Day Week, Decent Wage ’. We welcome you and your family members to join us on May Day, fighting for journalists’ welfare together.

Date: 1st May (Sunday)
Gathering Place: Football Pitch, Victoria Park (Near the covered escalator leading to the Central Library)
Gathering Time: 2:30pm
March will start at 3pm
Route: From Victoria Park to the Central Government Office, Central

We are looking forward to meeting you on May day.


Hong Kong Journalists Association



27/04/2011 16:18:00   updated more
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2018 Annual Report: Candle in the wind

2017 Annual_Report: Two Systems Under Siege

2016 Annual Report: One Country Two Nightmares 

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  Online Questionaire for China news reporters on harassment at work"
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  17th Consumer Right Press Awards
  "17th Consumer Right Press Awards "  


HKJA's Publication: "The Journalist"

A publication provides updated news about HKJA and media industry.. [ Details ]


  Subscription to "People will not forget"
  "People will not forget" - A HKJA's Publication for the June 4 Incident
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  Kevin Lau Incident Concern Group


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