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HKJA deeply regrets RTHK’s decision to ban live broadcast of Chan Ho-tin’s speech 10/08/2018 13:14
The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) will host a luncheon talk by Andy Chan Ho-tin, convener of the Hong Kong National Party, on nex...

HKJA expresses concern over attempt by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put pressure on FCC 04/08/2018 14:06
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) of Hong Kong has invited Chan Ho-tin, the convener of the Hong Kong National Party, to speak at a lunch t...

HKJA expresses concern over the use of media reports by the Security Bureau 21/07/2018 16:38
Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses concern over the use of media reports by the Security Bureau as evidence in ban on Hong Kong Nationalist P...

HKJA expresses regret over Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s remarks on questions raised in English 03/07/2018 18:52
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:表格內文;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-s...

HKJA deeply regrets Carrie Lam's refusal to condemn the Mainland police use of force vs reporter 23/05/2018 17:06
HKJA deeply regrets Carrie Lam's refusal to condemn the Mainland police use of force against Hong Kong reporter At the Legislative Council’s que...

HKJA rebuts misleading statement of Beijing Police 21/05/2018 12:00
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) disagrees with the statement issued by Beijing police over their violent action against a Hong Kong journ...

Joint letter to Mr Wang Zhimin, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government 16/05/2018 18:12
Joint letter to Mr Wang Zhimin, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR Dear Mr Wang, We strongly condemn the vi...

HKJA strongly protests against the arrest of Now News cameraman in Beijing 16/05/2018 11:44
A Beijing-based camerman from Now TV News in Hong Kong was handcuffed and arrested in Beijing during the reporting of a hearing on lawyers in Beijing ...

Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns attacks against i-Cable TV News reporter in Sichuan 12/05/2018 15:31
A reporter from i-Cable TV News in Hong Kong, Chan Ho-fai, was attacked by two men in Dujiangyan in Sichuan province during his reporting of the 10th ...

Hong Kong ranked 70th in the World Press Freedom Index 25/04/2018 21:11
Reporters Without Borders says: Hong Kong is experiencing interference by the Chinese authorities. Chinese authorities's growing interference in the ...

香港記者協會就有線新聞台記者被騷擾事件聲明 (Chinese only) 12/04/2018 19:55
有線新聞台一名女記者,於本月8日舉行的香港國際七人欖球賽決賽直播期間,被兩名男觀眾強吻兩邊面頰,記協非常關注,本會強調記者在工作期間不應受到任何滋擾或不禮對待,事件更可能涉及性騷擾,本會予以強烈譴責。 本會亦關注有線電視新聞部高層認為事件可一笑置之,似乎未有嚴肅處理事件,本會表示遺憾。本會認為傳媒機...

香港記者協會、獨立評論人協會及大專新聞教育工作者聯席 就香港大學法律系副教授戴耀廷被指發表港獨言論事件聲明 (Chinese only) 06/04/2018 11:02
香港大學法律系副教授戴耀廷早前出席台灣團體舉辦的論壇,發表有關中國和香港未來發展構想的言論,特區政府、中央人民政府駐香港特别行政區聯絡辦公室及港澳辦先後發出譴責聲明,多個本地團體其後要求香港大學辭退戴耀廷。我們對事態發展深感憂慮。 我們察悉,不同法律專家先後表明,戴耀廷的言論未有觸犯現行香港法例,...

記協就《香港01》高層人士變動之聲明 (Chinese only) 29/03/2018 11:18
《香港01》出現高層人士變動,由創辦人于品海兼任行政總裁及臨時總編輯。香港記者協會對此表示極度關注,憂慮上述人事安排會影響編採獨立。 由出資人或主要股東出任總編輯之安排,在本港新聞界較為罕見,而《香港01》的內部聲明並沒有交代于品海署任總編輯之必要性,亦沒有定下期限。本會希望于先生及其他管理人員盡早...

記協關注香港電台修改節目宣傳帖文 (Chinese only) 09/03/2018 23:08
香港電台一個節目於二月廿八日在社交媒體,登載以「習帝永續?」為標題的宣傳帖文。有網媒抨擊,向港台、商經局投訴,帖文於三月六日便修改為「 建議取消國家正副主席任期限制」。港台管理層昨日指示節目監製需為社交媒體內容把關,下午與商經局會議後,更下令所有節目暫停更新社交平台,至今日恢復運作。 記協認為媒體接...

記協就《壹週刊》紙本停刊決定之聲明 (Chinese only) 09/03/2018 10:58
香港記者協會對於營運達28年的《壹週刊》,將於下週出版最後一期,表示可惜。 記協十分關注《壹週刊》現有員工的權益,我們呼籲壹傳媒管理層盡量吸納紙本週刊全體員工,希望編採部員工可全員過渡到壹傳媒的數碼平台業務,待遇不變。而其他部門如校對及美術部等員工,可獲安排到該集團其他公司及部門工作。 若受停刊影響...

記協就《壹週刊》裁員之聲明 (Chinese only) 28/02/2018 15:12
香港記者協會(記協)對於《壹週刊》裁員約30人的決定,表示極度關注。 《壹週刊》以轉變營運模式為由,解僱約30名員工,裁減的主要是攝影和娛樂編採職位,並將改以外判形式與部分員工合作。 本會擔心: l 裁員和外判編採工作,勢必打擊員工士氣,對新聞質素有負面影響。 l 外判形式令本來的員工收入不穩,...

香港記者協會就記者採訪時遇襲發表聲明 (Chinese only) 02/01/2018 20:12
多家傳媒1月2日在勞工處,採訪海麗邨外判清潔工與資方談判期間,被外判清潔商民順的代表蓄意推開,其中有線電視記者被打中,記者已報警,片段所見亦有攝影記者被推撞。 本會關注記者採訪時受到阻撓及被襲,呼籲公眾尊重記者採訪權利,任何情況下都不應以暴力手段阻礙採訪。 香港記者協會 2018年1月2日

HKJA expresses concern over HK01's suspected suspension of June 4 reports 22/12/2017 11:51
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:表格內文;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-s...

Statement on LegCo’s debate on amending its Rules 06/12/2017 12:10
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:表格內文;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-s...

HKJA has withdrawn its application for judicial review against the government. 28/11/2017 15:22
The Hong Kong Journalists Association has withdrawn its application for judicial review against the government’s bar of online-only media from i...

香港記者協會就《東方日報》記者採訪受阻發表聲明 11/11/2017 21:42
HKJA deeply regrets Legislator Eddie Chu’s motion to clear the press from the LegCo chamber 02/11/2017 23:05
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) expresses deep regrets over Legislator Eddie Chu’s motion during the Legislative Council meeting to...

HKJA appalled at threat mails received by HKFP journalists 04/10/2017 16:21
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:表格內文;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-s...

HKJA welcomes the government’s decision to lift its bar on digital only media 19/09/2017 11:55
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONEHong Kong Journalists Association welcomes the government's long overdue decision to lift its bar on digital o...

HKJA expresses regret over Macau’s entry ban on Hong Kong journalists 18/09/2017 18:02
Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:表格內文;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-s...

Joint statement by HKJA and HKPPA on the barring of four Hong Kong journalists from entering Macau 26/08/2017 18:21
The Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA) and the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) express deep regrets over the Macau Government'...

記協就新會公安局扣留有線新聞司機聲明(Chinese only) 28/07/2017 21:04
有線電視廣州辦事處司機早前接載有線記者到江門拍攝劉曉波追思會後,於周三被新會公安局帶走。現羈押於江門市新會區看守所,律師尚未能會見該司機。Normal002falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-TWX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTab...

記協就《壹週刊》賣盤之聲明(Chinese only) 17/07/2017 18:35
記協對壹傳媒集團將旗下有27年歷史的《壹週刊》等雜誌業務,賣盤予商人黃浩牽頭的財團有以下聲明︰ 1. 記協關注在賣盤後,《壹週刊》等刊物的編採方針會否受影響。 2. 記協關注相關刊物的員工,在賣盤後的過渡安排,壹傳媒應妥善處理,盡量保障員工就業,及在有需要和尊重員工意願下提供自願離職安排。 3. 記...

HKJA mourns the death of Liu Xiaobo 14/07/2017 16:29
Hong Kong Journalists Association expressed deep grief and sadness over the death of Liu Xiaobo, a leading Chinese dissident, crusader for freedom of ...

Open letter to Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam 04/07/2017 17:14
Dear Mrs Lam We are writing to express our disappointment in your failure to honour your promise to stop the government’s discriminatory policy ...

HKJA condemns attack on Inmedia reporter 01/07/2017 21:59
A reporter from Hong Kong inmedia was assaulted when he covered a demonstration in Wan Chai on July 1. The reporter suffered several punches by an uni...

Statement on TVB’s rescheduling of “Headliner” programme 30/06/2017 21:55
Hong Kong Journalists Association expressed shock over TVB’s decision to postpone the airing of an episode of RTHK’s Headliner programme o...

Statement on Next Media’s decision to implement outsourcing policy 23/06/2017 21:41
The Hong Kong Journalists Association today issued a statement on Next Media’s decision to implement outsourcing policy. Our response is as foll...

Public figures should respect journalists and freedom of reporting 08/06/2017 23:25
A journalist has recently filed a report to the police alleging media owner Jimmy Lai of verbal intimidation. Hong Kong Journalists Association strong...

HKJA condemns a fake statement issued under the Association’s name 08/06/2017 13:49
On 8th June 2017, a fake statement with attached logo of HKJA circulated on the Internet. The contents in that fake statement referred to an event tha...

Open Letter to CE candidate WOO Kwok-hing 17/03/2017 02:38
March 16, 2017Dear Mr WooTwelve journalists union and media groups urge you to write to Electoral Affairs Commission or any relevant department(s) to ...

Open Letter to CE candidate Carrie Lam 17/03/2017 02:33
March 16, 2017Dear Mrs LamTwelve journalists union and media groups urge you to write to Electoral Affairs Commission or any relevant department(s) to...

Open Letter to CE candidate John Tsang 17/03/2017 02:21
March 16, 2017Dear Mr TsangTwelve journalists union and media groups urge you to write to Electoral Affairs Commission or any relevant department(s) t...

Twelve news organisations appeal to CE for online media's rights on the Election Day 16/03/2017 17:01
Dear Mr Leung Twelve journalists unions and news group urge you to give professional online-only media full access to government press activities and ...

記協譴責政府新聞處一再拒絕網媒採訪 (Chinese Only) 28/02/2017 18:49
《立場新聞》記者被拒採訪今天舉行的香港文化博物館的金庸長期展廳開放的開幕儀式及傳媒預覽。而另一網媒《Hong Kong Free Press》亦被拒出席懲教署於3月2日舉行的新聞界參觀歌連臣角懲教所和赤柱監獄活動。香港記者協會對政府新聞處拒絕網媒邀請的做法予以譴責。本會促請政府新聞處從速更正做法,時...

七傳媒組織聯署聲明 強烈譴責暴力威嚇《成報》編採人員(Chinese Only) 27/02/2017 20:31
致各傳媒機構編輯主任:(即時發放)七傳媒組織聯署聲明 強烈譴責暴力威嚇《成報》編採人員對於《成報》連日來遭到不法之徒連番恐嚇滋擾,更有編輯部管理人員的寓所遭淋紅油,香港記者協會、香港攝影記者協會、香港電台節目製作人員工會、壹傳媒工會、明報職工協會、獨立評論人協會及大專新聞教育工作者聯席七個傳媒工作者...

成報管理層人身安全再受威脅 記協強烈譴責事件 促警方早日破案 26/02/2017 20:17
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly condemns the escalating violence and threats against Sing Pao Daily and its staff. The campaign of terr...

記協對成報管理層人身安全受威脅表示高度關注(Chinese Only) 22/02/2017 14:51
致:各傳媒機構採訪主任 記協對成報管理層人身安全受威脅表示高度關注 香港記者協會就昨晚 (2月21日) 《成報》發緊急聲明稱管理層人身安全受威脅,並指近期有人「採取極端方式」攻擊該報,表示高度關注。這事件是對新聞工作者十分嚴重的威脅,亦促請警方嚴肅徹查事件,並妥善保障新聞工作者的人身安全。 香港記者...

HKJA's response to Lau Kong-wah comments on digital-only media are still barred from government 11/01/2017 16:24
The Hong Kong Journalist Association is disappointed by the government's delaying tactic in the accreditation of digital only media.The Secretary for ...

記協就記者於機場大堂採訪遇襲聲明(Chinese only) 09/01/2017 13:33
香港記者協會聲明 香港記者協會就昨晚 (1月8日) 有記者採訪立法會議員羅冠聰從台灣返港在接機大堂時,遭在場人士包圍和襲擊,本會表示憤怒,並嚴厲譴責任何使用暴力的人士。 其中Now 新聞台攝影記者在混亂期間被在場人士襲擊至手部受傷,需送院治療,並且報案,交由警方調查。而另一名有線電視攝影記者在採訪混...

記協強烈譴責集會人士粗暴阻礙記者採訪工作( Chinese Only) 26/10/2016 20:11
就《Hong Kong Free Press》一名記者於今日(十月二十六日) 採訪立法會外的示威情況期間,被多名集會人士以暴力手段阻礙其採訪一事,香港記者協會作出強烈譴責,並要求警方徹查事件。多個團體今早在立法會外舉行集會,據《Hong Kong Free Press》的記者透露,當時他正在立法會外...

HKJA expresses deep regret over court injunction granted to HKU that could erode press freedom 08/07/2016 19:25
Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses grave disappointment and regret that the Court of First Instance has granted the University of Hong Kong a...

記協嚴正抗議港府縮短「通報機制」會議採訪時間(Chinese Only) 06/07/2016 21:56

HKJA shocked at CS's comments press freedom in HongKong is intact 02/07/2016 18:29
The Hong Kong Journalists Association finds it is incredible that Chief Secretary Carrie Lam says press freedom in Hong Kong has not deteriorated. She...

HKJA expresses heartfelt sorrow over veteran HK newsman Shum Choi Sang's death (Chinese only) 27/04/2016 18:34
資深報人、香港報業公會名譽會長岑才生先生今早於養和醫院逝世,終年94歲。岑先生對報界及傳媒行業貢獻良多,香港記者協會對其離世深表哀悼。 岑先生尊翁岑維休是《華僑日報》創辦人,岑先生早年畢業於美國紐約大學,取得經濟學碩士學位。1945年他進入《華僑日報》營業部工作。1954年後任《華僑日報》總編輯。1...

記協對前亞視攝影師李東杰先生離世表示哀悼 (Chinese only) 22/04/2016 14:19
8年前於台灣採訪總統大選時不幸受傷的前亞洲電視攝影師李東杰先生,今早7時42分於威爾斯親王醫院逝世,終年54歲。李東杰先生於2008年在台灣採訪時跌傷重創腦部,其後四肢癱瘓,臥病在床。香港記者協會對李東杰先生的離逝表示哀悼,並向他的家人致以深切慰問。 香港記者協會2016年4月22日

明報突解僱執總姜國元 七會深表震驚 (Chinese Only) 20/04/2016 16:44
對於《明報》今日在凌晨時分以「報業經營環境困難」為由,突然解僱執行總編輯姜國元(筆名安裕),七個新聞業界的協會及工會深感震驚,認為理由牽強。對於一名在工作上溫和又專業的報人突然被以行政手段解僱,我們對本港的新聞工作的空間與自由度,深感憂慮與不安。 姜國元先後服務本港多家新聞機構,在2003年的反廿三...

香港記者協會對曹志明先生離世表示哀悼 (Chinese only) 25/02/2016 17:44
資深專欄作家兼《信報》首席顧問曹志明(曹仁超)先生於2月21日逝世,享年68歲。香港記者協會對此表示沉痛哀悼,並向其家人致以深切慰問。曹先生是著名投資分析家,服務《信報》於創始之時,其負責撰寫的專欄《投資者日記》長期是《信報》重要且極受歡迎的專欄。曹先生文筆幽默雋永,又樂於提攜後輩,令人懷念。 香港...

記者接連於屯門夜市遇襲 記協促警方徹查 (Chinese Only) 11/02/2016 18:17

記者於屯門夜市採訪遇襲 記協強烈譴責暴力行為(Chinese Only) 11/02/2016 18:13

HKJA Statement on the New Year's Night Riot in Mong Kok 11/02/2016 18:05
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns in no uncertain terms the violence that rocked Mongkok last night, resulting in several journalists bei...

記協就港府於深夜發稿公告「港珠澳大橋」延遲落成擬向申訴專員作出投訴 27/11/2015 17:39
香港記者協會極度不滿港府於前晚(11月25日)深夜10時59分發稿公告「港珠澳大橋」延遲一年落成,記協認為做法有欠妥當,令新聞媒體沒有足夠的時間處理有關消息,有違開誠佈公的原則,記協將就事件向申訴專員作出投訴。 港府就非突發事件於深夜發稿的做法早有前科。港府於本年初1月16日23時01分及06分分別...

HKJA protests against Manila’s ban on HK Journalist from covering the APEC summit 17/11/2015 16:19
The Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses concern and outrage as a Commercial Radio reporter was barred from entering Philippines to cover the 2...

HKJA's Response to CE’s Comments on HKU’s Temporary Injunction 03/11/2015 18:36
When an insider decides to disclose confidential information to the media, it is a indication of failure in the existing address, its monitoring or ch...

記協攝協及三傳媒工會就港大禁制令聲明 (Chinese only) 30/10/2015 23:47
Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-...

Request Upon to Drop Charges on Anthony Kwan 12/10/2015 17:50
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association and the Hong Kong Journalists Association are togethe...

HKJA deeply regret the decision by the Thai authorities to continue the prosecution of Kwan 07/09/2015 21:14
We deeply regret the decision by the Thai authorities to continue the prosecution of a Hong Kong photo journalist for carrying body armour and a helme...

HKJA urges for immediate release of mainland journalist Wang Xiaolu 01/09/2015 11:47
內地《財經》雜誌記者王曉璐8月25日晚上被公安從寓所帶走,於8月30日被實施刑事強制措施,事件威脅新聞工作者履行天職的職能,本會促請當局盡快釋放王曉璐。 新華社於8月30日報道,王曉璐於7月20日撰寫《證監會硏究維穏資金退出方案》。受該失實報道影響,股市出現異常波動,王曉璐涉嫌夥同他人編造並傳播證券...

Joint Statement about the arrest of a Hong Kong photo journalist in Thailand 24/08/2015 19:43
In response to Thailand’s charging of a Hong Kong photo journalist for carrying body armour and a helmet, the Hong Kong Press Photographers Asso...

香港記者協會就政府委任梁家榮出任廣播處長聲明 (Chinese only) 06/08/2015 18:05
特區政府委任資深新聞工作者梁家出任新任廣播處長,香港記者協會認為,由傳媒出身的梁家榮,接替當初以政務官身份空降的鄧忍光,情況較過往理想。惟現時香港社會氣氛撕裂,各公營機構都面對不同政治壓力,本會期望,梁家榮能挺直腰骨,捍衛港台編採獨立自主。 香港電台作為公營廣播機構,編輯方針應完全獨立,不應受政治或...

FCCHK & HKJA Jointly call for immediate freeing of Gao Yu for medical care 30/07/2015 19:09
FCCHK & HKJA Jointly call for immediate freeing of jailed Mainland Chinese journalist Gao Yu for medical care The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Ho...

記協反對重新考慮限制公司查冊 呼籲政府公開資訊(Chinese only) 28/07/2015 19:10
在政府因社會意見分歧而暫時擱置限制公司查冊建議只有一年多的今天,香港記者協會看不到有需要重新檢視此決定的理由,相反,記協促請政府訂定《資訊自由法》,以改變現時政府日益隱密的作風,體現施政透明化的承諾,政府更須加強披露大數據,協助學術或公共機構進行研究,以改善施政。 記協關注私隱專員公署今天(28日)...

香港記者協會就《忽然1周》停刊聲明 (Chinese Only) 20/07/2015 22:43
創刊二十年的《忽然1周》將於八月七日出版最後一期後停止印刷及網上業務,七十名員工將被遣散。這是繼七月十一日宣布停刊的《新報》後,十日內第二份宣布停刊的印刷媒體;加上《成報》因業務糾紛,暫時停止發行印刷版,現時實在是紙媒的嚴冬,香港記者協會對此感到難過。 壹傳媒平面媒體暨印刷行政總裁葉一堅上周五曾與員...

Open Letter to the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (Chinese Only) 14/07/2015 17:21
譚志源局長鈞鑒: 頃接 閣下七月十日之回函。對於 閣下拒絕與我們會面,以釐清新聞業界和公眾對新通過之《國家安全法》之憂慮,我們深感遺憾。 回函中引述之聲明及政府高層官員發言,只表明有關法例不在香港特別行政區實施,但有關發言並沒有回應關於香港新聞工作者及居民會否因為其在港之合法言論和行為,日後進入內地...

香港記者協會就《新報》停刊聲明 (Chinese Only) 12/07/2015 14:16
香港記者協會對有56年歷史的《新報》宣佈停刊及逾百的新聞工作者面臨失業,感到可惜,並促請《新報》母公司英皇集團有限公司,根據勞工法例遣散員工,並在集團旗下其他部門吸納員工。 《新報》今午在網站發表聲明,指傳統報業經營困難,雖經多番改革,仍處於虧蝕狀態,宣佈在7月12日即時停刊。 據《新報》向員工發出...

新聞團體憂新國安法損港人自由 強烈要求港府澄清 01/07/2015 14:51
香港記者協會、獨立評論人協會及國際記者聯會對於人大常委會今天通過的新國家安全法未有因應港人憂慮作出修訂,感到遺憾及不安,憂慮新國安法開啟立法損害一國兩制的先河,令港人包括言論自由在內的人權受到潛在威脅。 新國家安全法是一條涉及中國公民各方面生活的條文,但人大常委會只匆匆以一個月的時間進行諮詢,亦未見...

HKJA Condemns the Second Arrest of Journalist 27/11/2014 22:53
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns in the strongest terms the second arrest of journalist covering the police clearance of the Occupy prot...

HKJA Expresses Outrage over Ip Kwok-him’s False Accusation 26/11/2014 18:27
HKJA expresses outrage over Hon IP Kwok-him’s claim that a technician of now TV had assaulted a police officer. This is a total distortion. Mr I...

HKJA closely monitors Philippines’s policy towards Hong Kong media 26/11/2014 16:56
The Hong Kong Journalists Association received confirmation from the Philippine Consulate General of the removal of the ban of nine Hong Kong journali...

HKJA Condemns Arrest of TV Crew Member in Mongkok 26/11/2014 11:03
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns the arrest of a Now TV news crew member while covering the Police clearance of Occupy protestors in Mon...

Letter to President Aquino 24/11/2014 16:33
24 November 2014 Dear President Aquino, We are writing to express, in the strongest terms, our concern over the blacklisting of Hong Kong journalists ...

HKJA Expresses Outrage over Manila's Ban on HK Journalists Visiting Country 21/11/2014 14:43
Nine Hong Kong journalists involved in a minor incident at last year's APEC Summit in Jakarta have been banned from entering the Philippines. The ban ...

HKJA Expresses Regrets over Ho’s Re-assignment by TVB 03/11/2014 18:57
HKJA expresses regrets over the re-assignment taken by TVB News of its assistant news editor Ho Wing Hong, who handled the report on a demonstrator be...

HKJA Strongly Condemns False Accusation of RTHK Journalist 28/10/2014 17:56
A rumour is circulating on the Internet the RTHK journalist who was attacked previously is involved in the Occupy Movement in Mongkok. This same repor...

Six News Unions Strongly Condemn Assaults on Journalists at Blue Ribbons Movement 26/10/2014 18:38
Journalists from a number of media organisations were assaulted while covering an anti-Occupy Central rally in Tsim Sha Tsui on the night of October 2...

Letter to Commissioner of Police 26/10/2014 18:23
Tsang Wai HungCommissioner of Police26 October 2014Dear Mr Tsang,We are writing to express our concern and request your action on the repeated attacks...

Attacks on journalists strongly condemned 25/10/2014 22:39
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly condemned the violent attacks on four journalists by anti-Occupy supporters this evening. These assault...

Six press unions complain against police over use of force against journalists 16/10/2014 11:32
In the early morning of 15 October (today) police removed roadblocks and dispersed protesters with force on Lung Wo Road. Reporters and photographers ...

Seven News Unions throw their weight behind TVB journalists 15/10/2014 22:09
Seven news unions throw their full support to more than 50 Television Broadcast (TVB) journalists who have signed a joint petition to question the man...

Five Press Unions United in Condemning Malicious Harassment of Journalists and the Media 13/10/2014 19:23
With the confrontation arising out of the Occupy Movement continuing, there are people who vent their frustration on frontline journalists and media o...

Press Unions Raise Strong Objections to CE 12/10/2014 17:36
Four leading local press unions have today raised strong objections to Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying selectively giving an interview to one news org...

HKJA Condemns Violence Against Journalists 04/10/2014 16:35
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly condemns the acts of violence against journalists by some protestors and police officers during the str...

HKJA condemns police use of tear gas against peaceful demonstrators 29/09/2014 18:06
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly condemns police use of unnecessary physical force against demonstrators in the past 24 hours. Article 2...

HKJA strongly condemns police use of force against reporters 27/09/2014 15:24
Numerous reporters on the ground have complained that the police disrupted their news collecting activities by using force against them, during police...

Letter to Commissioner of Police (Chinese Only) 05/07/2014 19:46
清場行動採訪安排欠妥 記協促警方改善警務處處長曾偉雄先生: 針對本周三(7月2日)警方在中環遮打道進行的清場行動,多名前線記者向香港記者協會反映,指警方的採訪安排有不合理處,包括要求前線記者撤離示威區、突架設鐵馬阻隔記者,以及採訪區偏離核心示威區,有關安排阻礙前線記者的採訪工作。本會促請 閣下跟進,...

記協對《明報》編務董事呂家明擅改頭版標題表示極度遺憾及譴責 (Chinese Only) 02/07/2014 23:33
對於《明報》編務董事呂家明在編輯部不知情下,擅自修改七月二日出版的《明報》,將頭版報道「爭普選大遊行」的標題修改,香港記者協會表示極度遺憾,並譴責此嚴重破壞《明報》編輯自主之舉動,本會促請呂家明詳細交代。 根據明報職工協會向《明報》員工發出的信件,七月二日出版的《明報》頭條大標題原為「爭普選大遊行 ...

Stop Harassing Reporters at Work Complain through the Normal Channels 30/06/2014 18:00
A television reporter was harassed by a woman for five minutes while she was covering the sit in protest against the government´s Northeastern N...

Joint Letter from HKJA and RTHK Programme Staff Union (Chinese Version Only) 24/06/2014 17:40
保安局副局長李家超先生: 針對警方在立法會外之清場行動中,抬走正在採訪的香港電台記者伍立德, 閣下於上周三(2014年6月18日)以署理保安局局長身份在立法會答覆議員的質詢時指稱,當日被抬走的港台記者沒有展示記者證,加上現場環境嘈雜,警員並不知道他的記者身份。 香港記者協會及香港電台節目製作人員工會...

The HKJA is extremely concerned about the massive cyber attacks on Next Media websites in Hong Kong 18/06/2014 20:31
The websites of the Next Media Group in Hong Kong and Taiwan today reported that they came under persistent and crippling cyber-attacks. It would appe...

The HKJA strongly regrets & condemns the excessive force used by police to carry away a reporter 14/06/2014 13:31
The HKJA strongly regrets and condemns the excessive force used by police to carry away a reporter during the clearance operation outside the Legislat...

HKJA Strongly Condemns Beijing Police for Infringement of the Media's Right to Report 04/06/2014 16:05
A number of Hong Kong reporters from various media groups including Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and Commercial Radio Hong Kong (CRHK) were prohi...

香港記者協會強烈譴責涉嫌搶掠、襲擊、妨礙採訪暴力行為(CHINESE ONLY) 16/05/2014 22:19

RTHK’s Review on “RTHK Producers’ Guidelines” 05/05/2014 14:29
The Hong Kong Journalists Association notes with deep concern that RTHK is to excise the phrase “promote freedom of expression” from its R...

香港記者協會對羅孚先生逝世表示哀悼 (Chinese Only) 02/05/2014 17:51
香港著名報人羅孚先生今日凌晨逝世,享年93歲。香港記者協會對羅先生的離世表示哀悼,並向其家人表示至誠的慰問。 羅孚先生先後出任《大公報》副總編輯及《新晚報》總編輯,又曾在《文滙報》工作。 另外,羅孚先生早於1993年向「六七暴動」中受影響的人士,包括死傷者公開道歉,足見其承擔及面對錯誤的勇氣。 香港...

Joint Statement over the Disappearance of Mainland Journalist Gao Yu 02/05/2014 17:30
We, the undersigned groups, express our deep concern over the disappearance of Gao Yu, a 70-year-old mainland Chinese journalist missing since April 2...

羅孚離世消息 (Chinese Only) 02/05/2014 14:43
以下消息代羅孚先生家人發送 羅孚離世消息 我們的父親羅孚,於二零一四年五月二日淩晨病逝於家中,得年九十三歲。自二零一三年四月他再次中風,一年來他多次出入東區醫院, 東華東院,律敦治醫院,得到醫務人員悉心治理,最終在家中安祥離開。 我們失去親人,悲痛莫名。事發至今,不斷接到親友和新聞界朋友來電查詢及慰...

記協關注壹週刊裁員 (只有中文) 30/04/2014 22:01
《壹週刊》今日裁員6人,當中主要為編採人員,本會表示關注,並已向部份員工了解情況。本會明白壹傳媒近期傳出疑因政治理由,被客戶抽走廣告,加上印刷媒體收入下降,影響公司盈利,但公司裁減創作內容的編採人員,並不是提升競爭力的方法。 本會擔心,有心人透過抽走廣告向傳媒進行政治打壓,令致新聞機構裁員,直接影響...

HKJA statement on Hong Kong journalists being driven out at Maoming 04/04/2014 20:22
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly protested against the mainland authorities’ interference in the work of the Hong Kong media on th...

HKJA: Freedom of Information Law NOW 20/03/2014 15:04
The Ombudsman today suggested that the HKSAR Government formulate legislations on freedom of information law and archives. It was also proposed that s...

The attack against senior officials of the Hong Kong Morning News 19/03/2014 17:17
HKJA has issued the following statement on the attack against senior officials of the Hong Kong Morning News: Two senior officials of the Hong Kong Mo...

Coalition Statement by "Press Coalition against Violence" 03/03/2014 12:38
Mr Tsang Wai-hung, PDSM Commissioner of Police Police Headquarters Arsenal Street Wan Chai, Hong Kong Dear Mr Tsang,  Coalition Statement Kevin Lau Ch...

HKJA's Press Release: Around 13000 People Say ‘No’ to Violence 02/03/2014 16:53
Around 13000 people took part in a protest organized by the Press Coalition Against Violence today, to express their shock and outrage at the brutal a...

Media Organizations’ Joint Statement Condemning the Attack on Kevin Lau 26/02/2014 16:25
Former Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau, who is currently the chief operating officer of MediaNet Holdings, was attacked by a man armed with a knife th...

HKJA condemns in the strongest terms the attack on Kevin Lau, Former Chief Editor of Ming Pao 26/02/2014 12:47
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns in the strongest terms this morning's brutal knife attack on former Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau at ...

6000 Voices Join Call for Free Speech, Condemn Muzzling of Press 24/02/2014 13:12
6000 people joined a rally and marched to the Chief Executive’s Office today to demand Leung Chun-ying keep to his election promise to defend pr...

HKJA's Statement: We will never bow to suppression of press freedom 13/02/2014 22:24
The Hong Kong Journalists Association notes with deep concern the claims by dismissed Commercial Radio talk-show host Ms Li Wei-ling that press freedo...

Statement of the HKJA on the sudden termination of employment contract of Ms Li Wei-ling by the CRHK 12/02/2014 22:19
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) expresses great concern over the sudden move by Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited (CRHK) to termina...

Hong Kong’s Press Freedom Ranking drops from 18 to 61 in 12 years 12/02/2014 20:43
The Hong Kong Journalist Association is deeply concerned over the continued deterioration of press freedom in the city, as shown in the latest 2012-13...

記協聲明:本會投訴處理機制嚴謹公正 11/02/2014 12:59
At least 1,016 people join HKJA's "One Person One Letter" Campaign 26/01/2014 15:50
張曉卿先生:   《明報》管理層無視員工及各界連日來有關該報撤換總編輯的意見及聯署行動,仍堅持安排不熟悉香港情況的大馬傳媒人鍾天祥接任《明報》總編輯,本會對此表示遺憾及失望。   總編輯是報章的靈魂人物, 貴報作為一份以香港讀者為主的綜合報章,理應找一位熟悉香港情況,亦能得到員工信任的人士任總編輯,...

HKJA welcomes the Legco motion on safeguarding editorial and media autonomy 23/01/2014 17:28
HKJA welcomes the motion proposed by Legislative Councillor Leong Kah Kit on safeguarding editorial independence and media autonomy that was passed ye...

Joint Statement by HKPPA, HKJA & NMTU on court judgement clearing retired policeman assault charge 22/01/2014 00:08
Retired police officer Yeung Chi-wai has been cleared of charges that he attacked a press photographer. The Hong Kong Press Photographers Association,...

明報堅拒員工要求 記協表遺憾及失望 21/01/2014 18:02
《明報》管理層無視員工及各界連日來有關該報撤換總編輯的意見及聯署行動,昨晚仍堅持安排不熟悉香港情況的大馬傳媒人鍾天祥接任《明報》總編輯,香港記者協會對此表示遺憾及失望。 記協認為,《明報》管理層兩度與員工會面後,仍堅拒接納員工的意見,一意孤行執行有關委任,本會認為反映會面是「假諮詢、真漠視」,嚴重破...

HKJA's statement regarding Ming Pao's sudden decision to replace its chief editor 07/01/2014 11:57
The Hong Kong Journalists Association is gravely concerned over Ming Pao management's replacement of its Chief Editor, Kevin Lau, by a Malaysian journ...

HKJA urges Police concerning the violence against journalists 18/12/2013 17:09


HKJA's response to TVB's statement 22/11/2013 22:49
In response to a statement from Television Broadcasts (TVB) on banning Next Media from reporting on its activities, the Hong Kong Journalists Associat...

HKJA opposes obstruction of news coverage & regrets over TVB "Reporting Ban" decision 21/11/2013 22:52
Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) announced today that all Next Media’s outlets are regarded as "unwelcome media” and henceforth ba...

Is there something that the Financial Services Development Council wants to hide? 20/11/2013 11:18
Mr. Wong Wai Lun, Michael Director of Information Services Department The Financial Services Development Council submitted six research reports to the...

Explain abstention decision in person for accountability 11/11/2013 19:03
Mr Ma Fung-kwok, Last week, you abstained from voting when the Legislative Council discussed invoking its Powers and Privileges Ordinance to investiga...

HKJA supports Legco "P&P" Motion for more information on Free TV License decision to be disclosed 05/11/2013 19:00
(Chinese Version Only) 立法會明日辯論引用權力及特權條例,強制要求政府公開審批免費電視牌照的相關文件,在會議召開前夕,政府下午(5日)發表聲明,表示要交代發牌理據。香港記者協會認為有關聲明只是簡單列出評審準則,重申行政會議已考慮各項相關因素,卻未有切實回應公眾的訴求,交代各申請...

記協中國關注小組譴責內地公安拘捕新快報記者 25/10/2013 18:30


1) 支持內地記者依憲法賦予的...

HKJA dissatisfied with Government trying to cover up CY Leung's movement during his Beijing Visit 24/10/2013 19:47
The Hong Kong Journalists Association is deeply concerned that the Government has once again tried to shroud in secrecy the movements of Chief Executi...

Open Letter: Press freedom groups condemn harassment of HK journalists at APEC meeting in Indonesia 23/10/2013 11:11
The following is an open letter to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) initiated by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and signed b...

HKJA's Statement: Issuing only two free-TV licences inconsistent with information diversification 15/10/2013 21:05
The Hong Kong Journalists Association welcomes the government's decision to grant two provisional free-to-air television licences to Fantastic TV unde...

Letter to Chiarman XI from HKJA (Chinese Version Only) 08/10/2013 19:02
國家主席習近平先生台鑒:   香港記者在印尼峇里採訪亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議(APEC),向菲律賓總統阿基諾三世提問被沒收採訪證,事後印尼及菲律賓當局均指,記者的行為是對阿基諾的安全構成威脅。香港記者協會(本會)對事件表示震驚,認為對方的指控是抹黑及誣衊記者,沒收採訪證是踐踏新聞自由,跟蹤記者是...

HKJA is highly disappointed by Chief Executive who failed to safeguard Hong Kong journalists' right 08/10/2013 18:20
(Chinese Version Only))   香港記者協會多名執委今日(8日)下午與國際記者聯會及香港電台節目製作人員工會的代表,以及一批新聞工作者合共二十多人,先後到印尼駐港領事館及菲律賓駐港領事館遞信抗議,不滿亞太經合組織領導人峰會主辦方印尼當局,強行沒收本港記者的採訪證,並被喝令離開會場...

Letter to Indonesia and Philippines Authorities Concerning HK reporters' rights restricted in APEC 08/10/2013 10:21
Dear President Aquino,We are writing to express our deep concern and anger over the incident on 6 Oct 2013 that a number of Hong Kong reporters were b...

HKJA welcome ICAC withdraw application against iSun Affair Weekly (Chinese Version Only) 07/10/2013 23:22

Statement: HKJA condemns the restriction on personal freedom of the Hong Kong reporters in Indonesia 07/10/2013 20:36
Events in Bali where the APEC ministerial conference is being held, have taken a shocking and frightening turn, with Hong Kong reporters being treated...

Open Letter to CY Leung (Chinese Version Only) 07/10/2013 16:33
特首梁振英先生:   本港三間電子傳媒的代表昨日(6日)於印尼峇里亞太經合組織領導人峰會(APEC),向菲律賓總統阿基諾三世提問遭沒收採訪證。負責會議的印尼官員今日指記者的行為對阿基諾的安全構成威脅,記者並非正常發問而是示威,阿基諾的發言人亦指,本港記者的行為超越道德界線。香港記者協會對此表示極度憤...

Open Letter to APEC CEO Summit 2013 from Hong Kong Journalists Association 07/10/2013 15:24
HKJA condemns the barring of Hong Kong Press from covering APEC. An Open Letter has been submitted to APEC CEO Summit 2013 today. Please refer to the ...

HKJA Condemns the Barring of HK Press from Covering APEC 06/10/2013 22:08
The Hong Kong Journalists Association strongly condemns the barring of the Hong Kong press from covering the APEC ministerial conference now taking pl...

HKJA and HKPPA welcome the dismissal of an appeal over the case of Gary Sing 13/09/2013 13:46
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA) welcome the decision of the High Court to rejec...

HKJA will not attend the dinner about universal suffrage (chinese only) 11/09/2013 16:13
香港記者協會早前獲特區政府邀請出席明日(12日)舉行的政制改革晚宴,本會執委會商討後決定不出席宴會,因為會議的安排與記協堅持之資訊透明原則不符。 記協上月底接獲政制及內地事務局人員的來電,邀請本會主席出席明晚在禮賓府舉行的政改飯局。本會事後向特首辦查詢飯局安排,包括會後可否引述他人意見以及特首會否在...

Open Letter to CY Leung regarding the Unreasonable Media Arrangement for the 9th PPRD Forum 06/09/2013 16:56
就貴州「泛珠論壇」限制記者採訪之不合理安排,致梁振英公開信 行政長官梁振英先生: 「第九屆泛珠三角區域合作與發展論壇暨經貿洽談會」將於本月8及9日在貴州省貴陽市舉行,香港記者協會獲悉,貴州主辦當局將部分會議場地列作「限制區域」,本港媒體一律不能採訪開幕式和高層論壇等活動。本會認為有關安排違反公平採訪...

HKJA's Dissatisfaction with the Low-key Release of the New Conflict of Interests Govt Guidelines 08/08/2013 17:18
(Chinese Version Only) 記協不滿政府低調發布官員申報利益的指引   特首辦一星期前在網頁發布《行政長官處理政治委任官員涉及潛在利益衝突和接受利益及款待個案的指引》,沒有發新聞稿通知傳媒,亦沒有舉行記者會交代,香港記者協會(記協)對此表示不滿,認為當局低調公布會開壞先例,影響公眾...

HKJA's Statement: Obtaining Journalistic Material for Prosecution Purpose is Highly Inappropriate 07/08/2013 16:37
(Chinese Version Only)  記協聲明:廉署要求傳媒提供原始新聞材料極不恰當   香港記者協會(記協)不滿廉政公署透過律政司向高等法院申請法庭命令,要求商業電台及陽光時務週刊提供原始新聞材料,本會認為廉署的做法極不恰當,嚴重影響新聞自由,公眾將不再信任新聞工作者的獨立性,認為記者不...

HKJA's Statement Condemning Violence against Journalists at the protests in Mong Kok (Chinese Only) 05/08/2013 10:47
記協強烈譴責推撞記者阻撓採訪的暴行 要求警方嚴正執法 「香港家長聯會」及「香港行動」昨日在旺角發起「支持警隊嚴正執法!粗鄙文化遠離校園!」集會,多名記者在採訪有關活動時,受到部份集會人士故意以手推擋鏡頭、腳踢、推撞等暴力行為阻撓正常採訪,事發期間警員亦未見主動執法以保障採訪自由。香港記者協會(記協)...

Letter to Rimsky Yuen, Secretary for Justice (Chinese Version Only) 23/07/2013 20:37
敬啟者: 就律政司批准警方要求傳喚新聞工作者何永康於本年6月3日在古思堯和馬雲祺被控侮辱區旗一案【案件編號:ESCC918/13】作證,本會質疑 貴司檢控人員的決定,認為有關行為未符法例標準,實質效果是削弱了受《基本法》保障的新聞自由。 新聞自由是香港《基本法》保障的其中一種人權,而香港法例第一章《...

記協將會就立法會諮詢公眾有關公開資料發表意見 12/07/2013 18:00
香港記者協會得悉立法會秘書處今日起(12日)就公開秘書處保管的資料及檔案予公眾查閱,諮詢公眾兩個月。本會對建議中有關資料的封存年期,以及建議豁免公開的資料及檔案類別等項表示關注。   本會認為聽取公眾意見是好事,市民可藉今次機會,發表對現行查閱立法會資料的看法及提出改善建議,不過本會同時認為,立法會...

A Bad Year For Press Freedom In Hong Kong - Press Release for 2013 Annual Report 07/07/2013 11:00
A BAD YEAR FOR PRESS FREEDOM IN HONG KONG - Press release for 2013 HKJA Annual Report Leung Chun-ying’s first year as Hong Kong’s chief ex...

HKJA strongly condemns successive attacks on Next Media 26/06/2013 17:18
The HKJA strongly condemns the repeated threats and attacks in the past week on people associated with the Next Media Group. We urge the police to arr...

Statement: Reporters are not prosecutors' investigative tools (Chinese Version Only) 13/06/2013 18:30
記協聲明:記者不應成為檢控工具 社運人士古思堯等人被控企圖侮辱區旗的案件今(13日)天在東區裁判法院作判,香港記者協會無意就案件判決置評,但認為警方要求記者就採訪活動作供之做法,並不恰當,反映警方對新聞自由尊重不足,損害新聞界獨立客觀的專業形象。對於香港電視廣播有限公司(俗稱無綫電視)要求前線新聞工...

HKJA Strongly Regret Over the Veto of Amendments to the "Safeguard Freedom of Information" Motion 07/06/2013 14:44
(Chinese Version Only) 促政府訂定資訊自由法修訂動議被否決 記協極度遺憾 立法會昨(6日)通過由莫乃光議員提出的「捍衛資訊、新聞及網絡自由」動議,香港記者協會表示歡迎,但對促請政府訂定資訊自由法及要求行政長官梁振英信守捍衛新聞自由承諾的修訂動議全被否決,本會表示極度遺憾,認為投...

HKJA Strongly Condemn Beijng Police Obstructing Reporting June 4th (Chinese Version Only) 04/06/2013 15:55
記協強烈譴責公安阻撓記者採訪六四 對於本港駐京記者在「六四事件」二十四周年期間,被北京公安騷擾、阻撓採訪等行徑,香港記者協會予以強烈讉責,認為是粗暴阻撓,嚴重踐踏採訪自由,要求內地部門停止這種有損法治的行為,並促請特區政府確保香港記者的人身自由和採訪權利。 本會獲悉,四名電子傳媒記者今天(4日)清晨...

HKJA Urges the HK Government to Strictly Adhere to UNHRC Proposals to Better Protect Press Freedom 30/03/2013 10:47
The Hong Kong Journalists Association welcomes the Concluding Remarks made by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHCR) in which it urges the ...

還香港電台傳媒專業主場 不要AO做廣播處長 15/03/2013 20:09
(Chinese Only) 香港電台再次鬧出身為政務官(AO)的廣播處長鄧忍光政治干預事件,香港記者協會表示極度關注,對廣播處長涉嫌多次以極不專業的判斷或出於政治考量粗暴干預港台員工的工作,甚至要求署理助理廣播處長施永遠分擔「政治任務」,本會予以譴責,並要求立法會調查事件。 鄧忍光今日出席港台員工...

記協不滿政務司司長採訪行程缺乏採訪安排 21/02/2013 18:48

HKJA voice deep regret over insufficient consultation on amendment to Companies Ordinance 30/01/2013 19:19
(Chinese Version Only)記協極度遺憾當局諮詢不足 香港記者協會指出,政府修訂新例時,應與受影響的持分者商討,以確保不同社群的利益得到平衡發展,但當局在修訂新的《公司條例》時,沒有直接諮詢受限制查冊影響的新聞界,僅以召開記者會和諮詢公眾「走過場」,極不全面,以致出現通過的新例損害市...

兩岸三地記者協會支持《南周》聲明 09/01/2013 20:14
台灣新聞記者協會、香港記者協會、澳門傳媒工作者協會共同聲明稿針對中國「南方周末」周刊新年獻辭疑似遭到廣東省委宣傳部以非常規方式強行修改事件,台灣新聞記者協會、香港記者協會、澳門傳媒工作者協會共同發表如下 聲明:一、保障人民及新聞機構的言論及採訪自由,是現代文明國家的鐵律。即使中華人民共和國憲法,也在...

HKJA strongly opposes withholding of company directors' personal data from public 09/01/2013 16:30
HKJA strongly opposes withholding of company directors' personal data from public The government will soon table the Companies (Residential address an...

記協強烈譴責遊行人士襲擊記者 (Chinese only) 30/12/2012 21:27
對今(12月30日)日now 新聞台記者和攝影師採訪「愛護香港力量」遊行人士期間,被參加者包圍及襲擊一事,香港記者協會表示極端憤怒,對踐踏採訪自由的行為予以強烈譴責,促請警方嚴肅跟進,以免向公眾發出警方縱容暴力行為的錯誤信息。 本會獲悉,now新聞台記者仇志榮及攝影師劉家禾今天下午在維園園草坪採訪參...

記協與攝記協歡迎法庭裁決 還新聞工作者一個公道(Chinese Only) 07/12/2012 19:23

記協抗議屋宇署採訪安排(Chinese Only) 29/11/2012 22:24

Open Letter to LOCPG "No Press Freedom Violation & No Prior Approval for Reporting" (Chinese Only) 24/09/2012 12:23

就《明報》記者在湖南遭扣留致函中聯辦 (Chinese Only) 13/09/2012 17:13
敬啟者:  本會得悉《明報》兩名記者上周於湖南省邵陽市採訪期間,遭公安無理扣留44小時查問,期間,新聞材料全被洗掉,連上厠所也被監控,睡覺需要被漠視,公安最後更在兩名記者不自由的情況下採訪市領導安排的假「訪問」。有關手法卑鄙,令人髮指,實應予以強烈譴責,認為當局所為不單踐踏記者的採訪自由,亦侵擾了記...

香港記者合肥採訪被襲 記協強烈譴責 (Chinese Only) 10/08/2012 19:06
香港記者合肥採訪被襲 記協強烈譴責香港記者協會獲悉,香港傳媒今早於安徽省合肥市中級人民法院外採訪期間,亞視新聞攝影師雷釗河遭多位不知名的便衣人士拉扯、撞擊及抓傷他的腰部,但在場的公安不但袖手旁觀,更竟保護打人者離開現場!記協強烈譴責針對記者採訪的暴力及合肥市公安助紂為虐,縱容、包庇不知名人士襲擊記者...

記協抗議特區政府發稿安排 (Chinese Only) 06/08/2012 18:37

記協譴責特區政府隱瞞主要官員訪京行程 (Chinese Only) 19/07/2012 17:41
記協譴責特區政府隱瞞主要官員訪京行程 教育局局長吳克儉日前訪問北京,與中央人民政府教育部部長袁貴仁會面,但新任特區政府沒有按照以往慣例,在局長外訪前夕發出新聞稿,並透過駐京辦公室通知駐京的香港傳媒採訪。記協譴責特區政府隱瞞吳克儉訪京行程,擔心新一屆官員開壞先例,進一步削弱公眾知情權,要求當局承諾類似...

HKJA Protests Against Police for Trampling on Media's Right to Ask Questions 30/06/2012 16:51
A reporter was detained by the police for loudly directing a question at President Hu Jintao during his visit. Such an incident has never happened in ...

《成報》突停劉銳紹專欄 記協深表憤怒(Chinese Only) 15/04/2012 14:34

Sing Pao Destroying Press Freedom 23/03/2012 17:35
Sing Pao Destroying Press Freedom Sing Pao yesterday carried a regular column by writer Lau Yui Siu but with its contents altered without informing th...

記協強烈譴責中聯辦官員向傳媒老闆施壓(Chinese Only) 22/03/2012 23:59
香港記者協會獲悉,中央政府駐港聯絡辦公室官員曾致電《信報》老闆李澤楷先生,在未能即時與李澤楷先生通話後,向李的秘書表達對該報報道的不滿,有關做法,形如公開向傳媒施壓,本會對中聯辨官員此等打壓新聞自由之舉予以強烈譴責。 中聯辦職責是聯繫內地部門在港事宜,以及促進香港與內地的交流,並向內地反映港人意見,...

HKJA Objects Criminalising Stalking 19/12/2011 18:55
HKJA Objects Criminalising Stalking The Hong Kong Journalists Association objects the government’s proposal to criminalize stalking. It is deepl...

記協對香港電台節目調動深表憂慮 (Chinese Only) 29/11/2011 14:52

記協對「捍衛新聞自由」動議案被否決 極度遺憾 (Chinese Only) 24/11/2011 19:35
記協對「捍衛新聞自由」動議案被否決 極度遺憾 本會對立法會議員昨日否決由議員劉慧卿提出的「捍衛新聞自由」議案一事,表示極度遺憾。《基本法》第二十七條訂明,香港居民享有言論、新聞、出版的自由,港府有憲制責任保障港人一貫享有的新聞自由及國際公約賦予每個公民均可享有的知情權,但促請當局「捍衛新聞自由」的動...

JA concerns about ‘Guidelines & Arrangements for Media Representatives in the Legco Council Complex' 19/10/2011 17:28
Ms. Pauline Ng Secretary General Legislative Council19th October 2011Dear Ms. Ng,I write with grave concern about the ‘Guidelines & Arrangem...

記協強烈譴責空降政府官擔任廣播處長 促請政府收回任命 (Chinese) 09/09/2011 17:04
記協強烈譴責空降政府官擔任廣播處長 促請政府收回任命 本會強烈譴責政府空降政務官到香港電台,委任勞工及福利局副秘書長鄧忍光為廣播處長。由政務官掌管港台,等於政府正式把港台收編為要執行政府命令的部門,讓港台成為真正的「官媒」、淪為政府宣傳喉舌,而不是為市民發聲的公共廣播,最終受損的是香港的多元化自由的...

記協促請亞視董事局盡快解釋是否向新聞部施壓 (Chinese Only) 08/09/2011 19:27

警方於李克強訪港期間侵擾新聞自由例證 (Chinese Only) 01/09/2011 19:02
警方於李克強訪港期間侵擾新聞自由例證 1. 採訪區設置不合理A) 無理設立記者區,限制記者人身自由 不少記者區並非設於警戒線內,亦即有關區域並非受管制區域,事實上,不少市民可以在該等區域自由走動,但記者反而要被困鐵欄內,喪失人身自由,比普通市民還不如,引起記者不滿。 個案一:何文田房委會展覽中心採訪...

HKJA urges the Libyan forces do not take any hostages of journalists(English Only) 24/08/2011 15:02
Four Hong Kong journalists working for Phoenix TV and CCTV in Tripoli, capital of Libya, are being held hostage along with other foreign correspondent...

Stop bullying Hong Kong people, we have the right to know! 20/08/2011 13:43
The Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association strongly protest against the suppression of press freedom and ...

記協強烈不滿國務院副總理李克強訪港期間的採訪安排 (Only Chinese) 18/08/2011 20:28

記協強烈譴責警方以「莫須有」罪名拘捕記者(Chinese Only) 12/08/2011 18:13
本會強烈譴責警方於八月十一日,以「企圖爆竊」罪名拘捕進入新政府總部特首辦公室大樓的三名記者。本會促請特首辦和警方向公眾交待事件,為何以「莫須有」的罪名拘捕記者。 據本會了解,該三名來自《明報》、《星島日報》及《資本壹週》的記者,在政府總部大樓外的登記處循正途登記,並在總部的保安人員批准下進入新政府總...

HKJA Demands Withdrawal of CCP Propaganda Bureau Directive on Rail Disaster 30/07/2011 13:51
The Hong Kong Journalists Association Demands that the Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Bureau withdraw its directive to mainland media to s...

Complaint Letter to Commissioner of Police (Chinese Only) 14/07/2011 13:32
敬啟者: 香港記者協會接獲記者投訴,指警方在七月一日晚上示威期間,在沒有任何預警下向記者噴射胡椒噴霧,又拘捕在場採訪的記者。本會質疑警方行動的合理性,亦對警員粗暴對待記者表示憤怒,促請 閣下調查並採取適當補救行動。 根據《警察通例》第39章,事發現場的警務人員「須以互諒互讓的態度,盡量配合傳媒工作;...

HKJA: Depriving Right to Vote Undermines Freedom of Expression 28/06/2011 17:53
HKJA: Depriving Right to Vote Undermines Freedom of Expression Jun 28 2011 The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns the government’s lack ...

譴責港鐵以廣告收益向傳媒施壓 促請政府獨立調查 (Chinese Only) 23/04/2011 21:30

HKJA concerns about the safety of HK journalists staying in Japan (Chinese Version Only) 13/03/2011 15:53
日本發生世紀地震後,香港新聞工作者隨即趕赴現場採訪,香港記者協會對新聞工作者的專業精神表示敬意,但對前線記者裝備未必足夠的情況深表關注,尤其是前往曾經發生核電廠爆炸的福島。 根據日本當局發出的資料,除核電廠範圍外,福島受幅射影響仍在安全範圍;不過,日本以外地區專家對福島的輻射危險水平則表示難以估計,...

HKJA:Beijing should respect the freedom of the press 02/03/2011 15:56
With the Jasmine Revolution going on in Africa, some netizens in China initiated their own action on the Internet. However, the Beijing government sup...

關注蘋果日報可能取消五天工作安排(Chinese Only) 21/01/2011 21:36
記協關注《蘋果日報》管理層於近日宣佈,可能取消五天工作制度,回復每周五點五天工作的安排。記協希望,蘋果日報能繼續推動五天工作制,此舉既可照顧員工的勞工福利,長遠亦有利維持員工士氣,提升新聞質素。 人才是傳媒的重要資產,若五天工作安排取消,將嚴重打擊新聞工作者士氣、令機構無法挽留人才,讀者的知情權也會...

記協譴責粗暴阻撓記者採訪 警方視若無睹(Chinese Only) 10/12/2010 17:57
香港記者協會獲悉,香港兩名駐京記者拍攝在囚維權人士趙連海的住宅區域時,被不知名人士毆打,在旁警察視若無睹,形如幫兇,本會對此表示憤怒,促請當局徹查事件,保障記者的合法採訪權益。 本會瞭解,電子傳媒機構本月十日早上到毒奶粉受害人家長代表趙連海居所屋苑外觀察情況及進行拍攝時,被數十名臂纏居民委員會字樣袖...

警方研究即時發放突發資訊予傳媒 29/10/2010 19:37
警方研究即時發放突發資訊予傳媒 香港記者協會與多家傳媒代表今天(十月二十九日)與警察公共關係科商討改善突發資訊的發放安排,警方承諾,研究可否做到刪除個人私隱和可能觸犯法例的資訊後,即時把突發事件的簡單資料發放予新聞界。 記協九月發表研究報告,指出警方在去年下半年每天只發放2.7宗突發信息,只及每天罪...

HKJA: Deeply pleased that Lu Xiao Bo awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 08/10/2010 17:09
We are deeply pleased that Dr. Liu Xiao Bo has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and we believe many in Hong Kong share our joy at the international...

HKJA:Urges Immediate Access to Spot News Information Received by Police 12/09/2010 12:14
Spot news is closely related to the lives of Hong Kong people and many of these news items are of public interest. However, a study by the Hong Kong J...

Anger and Concern over President Benigno Aquino's words 26/08/2010 17:44
對於菲律賓總統阿基諾三世諉過傳媒直播馬尼拉挾持人質事件,讓槍手洞悉警方的部署,為菲警的突擊行動失敗作開脫,更揚言日後會考慮對傳媒作出限制。記協對有關指責深感憤怒。 針對菲總統的言論,記協義務秘書曾錦雯及執行秘書鄭偉強代表記協,於今天下午三時半前往菲律賓駐港總領事館遞交聲明,表達不滿。 菲駐港副領事M...

The new RTHK charter trap the Public Service Broadcasting (Chinese Only) 13/08/2010 20:35
新港台安排窒礙公共廣播 記協堅決反對     特區政府今天公布香港電台《約章》,有關內容和效力,雖經包括香港記者協會在內等民間團體反對,政府卻充耳不聞,未有改進,並一意孤行,在完全沒有經過市民參與的情況下,委任對港台操生殺權的顧問委員會,本會對此予以譴責,憂慮香港的公共廣播空間將因此窒息。記協一貫認...

Letter to Liaison Office against the prosecution of Hong Kong reporter in Guangzhou 10/08/2010 17:03
(Chinese Only)剛過去的周日,多名香港記者於廣州採訪保衛粵語集會時被公安帶走拘查。公安指控他們「涉嫌聚眾擾亂社會秩序」,香港記者協會就此去信中聯辦,要求中聯辦主任彭清華跟進事件。信件全文如下: ************************** 敬啟者: 港穗兩地居民於八月一日舉行遊行...

Chinese Police Abuse Prosecution Power to Curb Press Freedom (Chinese Only) 30/07/2010 13:57

HKJA calls for Improved Media Arrangements throughout the Act Now Campaign 15/06/2010 17:57
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) notes with concern the Chief Executive’s forthcoming live debate with Civic Party leader, Audrey Eu...

Letter to Mr Peng Qing-hua, director of Liaison Office of the CPG (In Chinese) 07/06/2010 18:47
敬啟者:  中央政府駐港聯絡辦公室副主任李剛先生於本年五月二十四日召開記者會,就與民主黨會晤討論香港2012年政制改革事宜作出交代。香港記者協會獲悉,當日記者會的安排有欠妥善,與香港公平、公開的原則相違,情況令人感到遺憾。  據本會了解,中聯辦是次記者會以急件形式傳真至不同傳媒,但個別傳媒並無接獲通...

HKJA urges the release of Hu Jia on medical parole 09/04/2010 19:56
(Chinese Version Only)  因在境外發表文章而被判入獄的維權人士胡佳,近日疑患上肝癌住院,香港記者協會深表關注和痛心,呼籲監獄當局順應胡佳妻子的申請,立即讓胡佳保外就醫。 記協一貫認為,將胡佳繫獄是中國法院以言入罪的錯誤舉措,並因此令肝臟不適的胡佳,病情在獄中惡化,一個知識分子因...

A Joint Statement on the Sentence of Liu Xiaobo and Tan Zuoren 11/02/2010 15:21
(The HKJA co-signed with 17 organisations on the release of Liu Xiaobo and Tan Zuoren) Today, three days before the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Beijin...

HKJA urges the release of Tan Zuoren, and condemns Sichuan police for restriction on press freedom 09/02/2010 14:30
The Hong Kong Journalists Association is outraged by the 5 year imprisonment term imposed on Tan Zuoren in Chengdu. The HKJA condemns the verdict of t...

HKJA: Access to Information Act is Needed for Hong Kong 28/01/2010 19:45
Regarding the enforcement of the Code on Access to Information, the Ombudsman made suggestions to improve on its implementation. The Hong Kong Journal...

HKJA Deeply Regret HK Reporters Were Barred Entry to Macau 19/12/2009 18:39
The Hong Kong Journalists Association deeply regrets the incident on 19 December when immigration officers denied two reporters from Hong Kong entry i...

HKJA condemns killing of journalists in the Philippines 07/12/2009 12:49
Condemning the impunity in the Philippines, HKJA, with 52 IFEX (International Freedom of Expression Exchange) members, appeal for justice in the horri...

1350 called for the vindication of Hong Kong journalists 29/09/2009 20:25
Hong Kong journalists were beaten, detained and accused of inciting unrest while legitimately reporting on matters of public interest in Sichuan provi...

Our Declaration for the Protest march on Liaison Office on 13 Sept 2009 13/09/2009 16:04
We are appalled to learn that the Xinjiang authorities used force and violence to prevent journalists and media workers reporting on matters of public...

HKJA strongly condemns Xinjiang Press Office's false statement 08/09/2009 22:23
(Chinese Version Only) . 香港記者協會得悉,新疆新聞辦今日發表聲明,指稱在本月4日在烏魯木齊市採訪期間被捕的3名香港記者,在採訪現場作跟蹤拍攝,並對聚集群眾指手劃腳,有煽動之嫌,並稱執勤人員當時要求記者出示採訪證而遭到拒絕,才將3名記者拘留。 新聞辦人員又稱,有一些媒體在事發...

HKJA opposes to any kind of oppressions against Hong Kong Journalists covering news in mainland 07/09/2009 13:56
(Chinese Version Only) 香港記者上訪,對在內地採訪受壓表不滿  香港記者前往內地採訪,不時因新聞事件的敏感度或涉及的集團利益而面對重重障礙,甚至在執法人員眼皮底下被便衣人員毆打亦時有所聞,更令人憤慨的是,官員亦是阻撓採訪的源頭。 近期較為公眾熟知的,有now寬頻電視記者黃嘉瑜八...

HKJA condemns Urumqi Police assault on TVB & nowTV's news reporter and cameraman (Chinese Only) 04/09/2009 17:39
記協強烈譴責烏魯木齊當局侵害本港新聞工作者   香港記者協會驚悉,三名到新疆首府烏魯木齊採訪群眾示威事件的香港記者被執法人員毆打及扣留,本會對此表示強烈抗議,並強烈譴責當局侵害新聞工作者的正當採訪工作和人身安全,要求當局立即釋放三名記者。   本會向多方了解,獲釋事發時,多名中外記者下午在烏市人民路...

HKJA condemns Sichuan police for restriction on press freedom (with the reply letter from LOCPG) 21/08/2009 16:08
(Chinese Version Only)四川作家譚作人涉嫌煽動顛覆國家政權一案今天在四川省成都市中級法院開審,但到該市採訪的兩名香港記者被當地公安以不同方式阻撓,香港記者協會對此等打壓採訪自由的行動予以譴責,並要求當局立即停止有關行為,讓記者自由採訪。 根據中國刑法,譚作人案屬於公開審訊的案件,...

HKJA: Withdraw charges against three freedom advocates 11/08/2009 13:39
The Hong Kong Journalists Association is deeply concerned that the Chinese government has strengthened its grip on freedom of expression. We are outra...

HKJA condemns South China Media 28/07/2009 16:55
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns the decision of South China Media's Esquire magazine to lay off Daisy Chu, who worked on a feature stor...

Letter to Legco (Admin of Justice & LS Panel) on alleged assault on journalists by Mugabe 14/07/2009 17:23
Dear Dr. Ng,1. It has come to the notice of the Hong Kong Journalists Association that on July 15 the Administration of Justice and Legal Services Pan...

Over 15000 people signed for the release of Liu Xiaopo (Chinese Only) 02/07/2009 14:26
逾一萬五千人簽名要求釋放劉曉波 香港記者協會、獨立中文筆會、國際記者聯會及台灣記者協會在七月一日民主大遊行期間合辦簽名運動,要求北京當局釋放被無理拘捕的中國異見人士劉曉波,五小時內獲得15263名市民支持。 劉曉波六月二十三日被控煽動顛覆國家政權罪,代表律師指,當局的證據只是劉曉波參與起草的《零八憲...

HKJA urges the central government to release Mr. Liu Xiaobo (Chinese Only) 24/06/2009 20:50
香港記者協會對北京當局以涉嫌煽動顛覆國家政權罪逮捕不同政見人士劉曉波表示憤怒,認為此舉是以言入罪的另一明證,要求當局在未能提供國際接受的標準時,釋放劉曉波先生。   根據官方傳媒新華社的報道,公安機關掌握資料,指劉曉波近年來以造謠、誹謗等方式煽動顛覆國家政權、推翻社會主義制度,違反《中華人民共和國刑...

Letter to Iran Consulate General: Iran Should Free the Press 24/06/2009 15:22
The Hong Kong Journalists Association is outraged by the Iranian Government’s suppression of press freedom and the mass arrest of journalists in...

HKJA urges news media not to exercise self-censorship on reporting June 4 Incident 02/06/2009 12:06
六四前夕,記協強烈要求各界維護新聞自由 六四事件二十周年,記協要求各界尊重歷史事實,維護新聞自由。 近日,中國圖書進出口公司抽起部分香港報章的版頁才分發給內地訂戶,嚴重干預新聞自由,記協發此聲明,作出抗議,並要求當局盡早公布六四事實,還原新聞真相,以確保資訊自由流通。 本會並呼籲本地傳媒機構避免自我...

Statement on Macau’s impending Article 23 legislation 24/02/2009 17:49
The Macau Administration is poised to take its proposed Article 23 legislation through its final stages to put the offences of treason, secession, sed...

HKJA urges Macau Authority to give explanation for denying SCMP photographer’s entry 19/02/2009 18:14
(Chinese Only) 本會獲悉本港《南華早報》攝影記者王智強昨天(一月十八日)在預先得到澳門有關當局批出記者證並持有效旅行証件的情況下,被澳門入境官員拒絕入境採訪歐文龍貪污案審訊,本會對此深表遺憾。據澳門新聞廳廳長謝永平今日表示,當局是根據內部保安綱要法拒絕有關人士入境,有關解釋亦令人難以理...

HKJA urges to cancel the Measures on the Reporting Activities of HK & Macau Journalists in Mainland 06/02/2009 20:59
(Chinese Only) 就國務院港澳事務辦公室今日公布《香港澳門記者在內地採訪辦法》,規定港澳記者到內地採訪,需領取港澳記者採訪證,並需徵得被採訪單位和個人的同意,本會認為,相對內地在奧運期間曾給予港澳記者的採訪自由,新規定在採訪自由而言是有所倒退,並且對港澳記者不公平。 內地於2006年底放...

Relaxation of Rules Governing Journalists' News Coverage 18/10/2008 18:47
The Hong Kong Journalists Association welcomes China’s decision to amend “The Regulations Concerning Foreign Journalists and Permanent Off...

Statement on the interference of news coverage of Hong Kong reporter 25/07/2008 17:57
In the past 24 hours a number of Hong Kong journalists have been assaulted in both Beijing and Hong Kong. In Beijing reporters were covering the sale ...

Concerning Assault on HKBN TV News Photographer (Chinese Only) 25/07/2008 14:08
就香港寬頻電視攝影師,今日(七月二十五日)在白沙灣拍攝外藉男子坐快艇墮海受傷新聞時,遭一名外藉男士毆打並連人帶機抱起拋下海受傷,需送往醫院檢查,攝錄器材全數報銷一事,香港記者協會對此深表震驚,並強烈譴責任何人士以暴力對待中外新聞工作者。 我們認為這些野蠻和不合法的行為,是嚴重威脅人身安全和新聞自由。...

Open Letter to Central Government on the interference of news coverage of Ming Pao reporter in China 16/07/2008 19:04
The Hong Kong Journalists’ Association and the International Federation of Journalists note with dismay the interference of news coverage in the...

Second Open Letter to Central Government concerning HK reporter denied entry to Beijing 11/07/2008 17:07
Mr. Gao Siren Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR 10th July 2008 Dear Mr. Gao, The Beijing Olympic Games Organising...

Open Letter to Central Government concerning HK reporter denied entry to Beijing 04/07/2008 20:08
Mr. Gao SirenDirector of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSARConnaught Road West Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 4th July 2008 Dear Sir,...

Result of signature campaign for the release of Hu Jia 12/05/2008 14:06
Tens of thousands people call for the immediate release of Hu Jia The Hong Kong Journalists Association and the International Federation of Journalist...

Open Letter to Central Government on May 3 (World Press Freedom Day) 03/05/2008 16:09
One Dream Must be Realized ----- Freedom of Expression in China3 May 2008 Hong Kong Today, on World Press Freedom Day – and 97 days until the Be...

Letter to HKSAR Govn't Regarding Writers and Artists Denied Entry into HK 02/05/2008 13:37
Mr. Donald TsangChief ExecutiveHong Kong Special Administrative RegionPeople’s Republic of China 2nd May 2008 Dear Mr. Tsang, We, the undersigne...

Letter to International Olympic Committee: No Movement Restriction ahead of Olympic Games 30/04/2008 19:46
Mr Jacques RoggePresident of the International Olympic CommitteeChâteau de Vidy 1007 Lausanne Switzerland 30 April 2008 Dear Mr Rogge, We are wr...

HKJA urges UN to allow Taiwanese journalists to attend the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) 18/04/2008 16:31
His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moonSecretary General of the United NationsUnited Nations OrganisationNew York, NY 10017USAVia e-mail: cc. ...

Imprisionment of Hu Jia's exercise of freedom of expression: Unacceptable (Chinese Only) 05/04/2008 10:31
北京市第一中級人民法院以維權人士胡佳發表文章及接受媒體採訪,裁定他煽動顛覆國家政權罪名成立,判處入獄三年半,香港記者協會對此表示憤慨,認為這是嚴重違反言論自由、以言入罪的惡例,要求當局重新審理,釋放胡佳。   當局的控罪指,胡佳在去年十月前一年多的時間內,在網站發表批評政法系統和一國兩制的文章,以及...

HKJA: Unacceptable ban on reporters covering unrest in Lhasa 17/03/2008 12:12
It is learnt that journalists from at least six Hong Kong media organizations have been placed under escort and ordered out of Lhasa, Tibet, today. Th...

Open Letter to President of Russian Federation 05/03/2008 18:02
Dear President Putin, On behalf of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), I wish to register my extreme concern at the recent developments in...

Open Letter to Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai 01/02/2008 19:54
Dear President Karzai, We are writing to you to express the serious concern of the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) over the decision of a pr...

Letter to Premier Wen Jiabao concerning the new regulation of Internet (Chinese Only) 23/01/2008 15:50
敬啟者: 國家廣播電影電視總局和信息產業部於上月二十日頒布《互聯網視聽節目服務管理規定》,並於本月三十一日起施行。香港記者協會憂慮部份條文會窒礙資訊流通,限制言論自由,不利國家的改革開放。 根據規定第八條,申請從事互聯網視聽節目服務的,須為國有獨資或國有控股單位。據本會了解,內地絕大部份具有視聽節目...

Letter to CP express concern over the recent violence incidents against journalists (Chinese Only) 10/12/2007 12:19
敬啟者: 香港記者協會對近期數宗襲擊進行正常採訪工作的新聞工作者,甚表關注,憂慮這會威脅新聞自由,促請警方徹查事件,嚴肅處理,以收阻嚇之效;更期望警方執行職務時,能關顧在場採訪的記者的人身安全。 本會知悉,除有線電視攝影師在十二月六日零晨尖沙咀一宗報警求助案中被襲受傷外,十二月二日的立法會港島區補選...

HKJA in Global Day of Action Conserning Pakistan's press freedom 15/11/2007 18:26
Aware of the seriously deteriorated situation for journalists work in Pakistan, the Hong Kong Journalists Association sent a letter (see attachment) i...

Letter to CP express concern on police's investigation on column (Chinese Only) 09/11/2007 17:34
敬啟者: 香港記者協會閱報獲悉,警方曾於本月一日就一封針對《太陽報》06年刊登的專欄文章的電郵投訴派員到東方報業集團索取作者資料和審批文章機制,本會對警方有關行動,極表關注,憂慮警方的過敏行動會對表達自由造成負面影響。 根據《政治權利及公民權利國際公約》第十九條,任何人均享有表達自由,除非有關言論危...

Medical Treatment Prevails over News Coverage (Chinese Only) 12/10/2007 16:54
香港記者協會接獲多名市民投訴,指新聞工作者昨日採訪藝人沈殿霞女士入院時出現混亂,有阻礙救援工作之嫌。 本會了解後,獲悉昨日的採訪情況,確有不如人意的地方。本會明白,大眾關心沈女士的病況,但搶救工作悠關生命,本會希望同業尊重沈女士的病人權益,緊守任何採訪工作均應以不影響病人獲得醫治機會的大前提,包括不...

Open Letter to Pakistan President Musharraf 15/06/2007 15:53
June 15, 2007 Pervez Musharraf President of Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dear President Musharraf Call to Safeguard Press Freedom in Pakistan...

HKJA Expressed Concern over WHO's refusal to accredit Taiwanese journalists to cover the 60th WHA 11/05/2007 15:59
His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon Secretary General of the United Nations United Nations Organisation New York, NY10017 – USA Via email: inquiries@...

Statement on the Report by the Committee on Review of Public Service Broadcasting 29/03/2007 11:28
記協回應公共廣播服務檢討委員會報告   香港記者協會就公共廣播服務檢討委員會剛發表的報告深感失望。委員會既以公共廣播服務為檢討前提,在未有檢討已肩負公共廣播服務的機構 — 香港電台 — 是否克盡己職之前,便建議設立全新的香港公共廣播公司取代其工作,是本末倒置。   報告建議成...

Concerning Cable TV News Reporter Assaulted in Mainland 03/03/2007 10:25
逕啟者: 關注香港有線電視新聞工作者遇襲事件   就香港有線電視新聞台記者及攝影師,於二月二十六日在廣東省珠海市拍攝有關內地偷運淡水魚來港的報道時遭人毆打受傷,需送往當地醫院治理一事,香港記者協會對此深表震驚,並強烈譴責任何人士以暴力對待中外新聞工作者。   我們認為這些野蠻和不合法的行為,是嚴重威...

HKJA Dissatisfied Refusing Internet Media's Application to Have the CE Election Debate Coverage Live 28/02/2007 10:30
不滿行政長官候選人答問大會拒絕接受網上媒體採訪申請   香港記者協會於二月二十六日收到會員梁錦祥先生電郵,就三月一日「行政長官候選人答問大會」的採訪安排作出投訴。   梁錦祥先生以my radio台長的身份申請到場採訪,卻被行政長官候選人答問大會秘書處以其網站未經註冊為由,拒絕接受申請。投訴人認為此...

Over 50% Journalists Think that Press Freedom Has Deteriorated Since the Handover 10/02/2007 10:54
Over 50% journalists think that press freedom has deteriorated since the handover with 30% admit having committed self-censorship Hong Kong Journalist...

Dissatisfied the Sing Pao Case's Review Hearing Judgement 02/02/2007 11:19
不滿《成報》欠薪案覆核裁決   東區裁判法院法官杜浩成今天就《成報》欠薪案進行覆核聆訊。法官考慮到《成報》欠薪案是由於特殊情況引致及首次犯案,所以法庭維持原先成報11項 欠薪罪名成立,罰款4200元的裁決。   香港記者協會對裁決表示失望,並要求律政司認真考慮提出上訴。本會再次促請《成報》履行僱主責...

Petition Letter to CE regarding Sing Pao Case 11/01/2007 11:24
香港特別行政區首長曾蔭權先生大鑒: 事由:《成報》長期蓄意違反《僱傭條例》及《強制性積金計劃條例》   《成報》自去年五月被揭發拖欠僱員薪酬及強積金供款後,事件迄今一直未有妥善解決。去年底,資方再度拖欠僱員薪酬兼蓄意違反《僱傭條例》,即未有在支薪期後七天內清付薪酬,更對被裁僱員的遣散費等,未有清晰交...

Request Thorough Investigation of Assaulted Journalist from Oriental Daily 31/10/2006 14:58
逕啟者︰要求徹查《東方報業集團》記者遇襲事件   香港記者協會獲悉《東方報業集團》駐北京記者翁火,於本月二十六日與一眾內地記者在北京人文大會堂拍攝「二OO六年第四十六屆國際小姐全球總決賽」的綵排時,突然遭數名身穿黑衣、貌似保安人員的大漢以「記者太接近小姐」為由,粗暴喝令遠離舞台。當翁火要求取回放在台...

HKJA Concerned the Fall of HK Ranking in Worldwide Press Freedom Index 26/10/2006 10:26
敬啟者 :無國界記者組織公布香港新聞自由排名急挫   無國界記者組織公布的十月廿三日公佈本年度全球新聞自由指標,在一百六十八個國家和地區當中,香港的排名由去年的第三十九位銳跌至第五十八位,次於區內的台灣及日本。   二零零五年十一月《明報》接獲的小型炸彈、以至壹傳媒旗下的攝影記者及採訪車被襲、《大紀...

HKJA Concerned the raids on Citizen’s Radio 17/10/2006 10:17
Mr. WONG Wing Ping, GBS, JPSecretary for Commerce, Industry and TechnologyCommerce, Industry and Technology Bureau8/F, West WingCentral Government Off...

HKJA Condemns EasyFinder's Photos of Singer Gillian Chung 16/10/2006 16:51
記協強烈譴責《壹本便利》偷拍歌手鍾欣桐更衣照片   《壹本便利》第761 期的封面,刊載了歌手鍾欣桐於八月中旬在馬來西亞舉行的《 環遊世界雲預演唱會》演唱會中的更衣過程偷拍照。香港記者協會就《壹本便利》的偷拍行為予以強烈譴責。5 條: 「新聞工作者應以正直的手段取得消息、照片及插圖。只有在公眾利益凌...

HKJA's Statement Regarding Suggestion from Committee on Review of Public Service Broadcasting 27/09/2006 14:52
記協回應公共廣播服務檢討委員會建議   公共廣播服務檢討委員會管治架構專題小組建議將來的公共廣播機構應脫離政府架構,香港記者協會表示歡迎。   委員會亦建議設立獨立董事局,透過登廣告招募及社會各界自薦,然後交由董事局轄下的提名委員會處理,並最終由行政長官任命。本會完全不能接受行政長官任命董事局成員。...

HKJA's Statement Regarding the "Interception of Communication and Surveillance Bill" 02/08/2006 13:52
香港記者協會就《截取通訊及監察條例草案》立場書   對於立法會於今天就《截取通訊及監察條例草案》恢復二讀及三讀,香港記者協會(記協)深表關注並已向香港特別行政區政府保安局局長李少光先生遞交請願信。本會就《截取通訊及監察條例草案》發表的立場書,詳情如下:   記協認為《截取通訊及監察條例草案》一旦獲得...

Against New Regulation regarding unauthorized Covering of Spot News in China 26/06/2006 17:14
根據新華社消息,人大正起草一條關於採訪突發新聞的法例,其內容是禁止未經批準的突發新聞採訪,違法者將被罰款五萬至十萬人民幣。   記協強烈抗議有關條例,其內容只會令中國大陸新聞界大倒退,並嚴重拑制新聞自由及侵奪人民知情權。   突發事件是新聞採訪重要一環,而且亦是爭分奪秒的,如果突發新聞採訪要經過申請...

Request Thorough Investigation of Assault on Hong Kong Journalists in Shenzhen 23/05/2006 15:51
要求徹查深圳富華醫院職員毆打香港記者事件   香港記者協會獲悉亞洲電視及有線電視有兩名記者,於今早在深圳富華醫院採訪一宗有關當地一名女士因向外公開她曾在深圳富華醫院接受PAAG隆胸注射而被該院控告誹謗的案件時,被該院四名職員毆打,而有線電視記者的手提電話更被蓄意毀壞,本會對事件高度關注。   香港記...

Press Release for the Law Reform Commission's Release of Report on Covert Surveillance 24/03/2006 14:41
香港記者協會表示,法律改革委員會於今日發表報告書內的免責理由過份狹窄,沒有考慮到「公眾利益」的因素。本會認為法改會不應以任何法例限制傳媒採訪,妨礙新聞自由。   對於法律改革委員會建議,立法規管秘密監察,任何人在私人處所意圖觀察、偷聽或取得個人資料,以及在私人處所內外利用器材取得個人資料,均屬違法。...

Statement Regarding Setting Up Indepedent Committe For Public Service Broadcasting in Hong Kong 17/01/2006 15:14
Immediate Release Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Mr. Tsang has just announced that an Independent committee is set up to examine the ...

Request Thorough Investigation of the Parcel Bomb Explosion in Ming Pao Office 07/11/2005 15:26
要求徹查《明報》禮品盒爆炸及恐嚇信事件   繼十月二十三日凌晨《蘋果日報》一輛候命採訪突發新聞的採訪車遭三名不明身份男子破壞,車內一名突發記者受傷並送院;十一月二日,《壹週刊》一名攝影記者於十一月二日休假期間,遭兩名不明身份男子以以木棍襲擊受傷後,《明報收到一個藏有爆炸裝置的禮品盒,並附有一封恐嚇信...

Request Thorough Investigation of Assault on Next Magazine's Photojournalist 04/11/2005 15:31
敬啟者: 要求徹查《壹週刊》攝影記者遇襲事件   《壹週刊》一名攝影記者於十一月二日休假期間,遭兩名不明身份男子以以木棍襲擊他的背部、下身和手臂。連同今次,已是本港近期第二宗記者遇襲的嚴重事故,香港記者協會對此深表震驚,並強烈譴責有關暴力行為。   香港記者協會特致函 閣下,促請保安局正視問題,督促...

Request Thorough Investigation of Assault on Apple Daily's Vehicle 24/10/2005 15:45
敬啟者: 要求徹查《蘋果日報》突發記者採訪車受襲事件   十月二十三日凌晨《蘋果日報》一輛候命採訪突發新聞的採訪車於油麻地理徑路旁,遭三名不明身份男子以鐵鎚砸毀車窗、及將帶有天拿水氣味的玻璃樽及煙蒂放在車頭,形同威嚇,車內一名突發記者受傷並送院。香港記者協會對此深感震驚並強烈譴責有關暴力行為。   ...

A Web Pretends to Represent the HKJA in Issuing Membership 11/04/2005 17:35
11 April 2005 A web pretends to represent the HKJA in issuing membership Today we found out a web site ( which claims they can ...

Slow and Little Information from Police's Spot News Release System 19/02/2005 17:37
警方突發資訊發放既慢且少   警方於去年12月9日起改用第三代指揮通訊系統﹐並首先在新界區實施﹐香港記者協會分析新系統實施後首兩個月的數據發現,警方平均每天發放不及十二宗「傳媒可能有興趣採訪」而又發生在新界區的消息,不單遠低於警方領導層實行新通訊系統前提出的「每天三、四十宗」的目標,若以二零零四年全...

HKJA opposed the creation of statutory press council & related suggestion against privacy (Chinese) 09/12/2004 13:26

Law On Search And Seizure Needs Urgent Overhaul 02/11/2004 17:25
《釋義及通則條例》急需修訂   香港記者協會義務秘書麥燕庭出席立法會保安事務委員會會議時指出﹐廉政公署年中到多間報社搜檢新聞資料一事,不單反映現行法例容易被執法機關濫用,相關條文亦落後於其他先進國家,必須從速修訂,確保有助監察政府的隱密消息來源不會因為憂慮身份被洩而不敢向傳媒披露消息,削弱市民的知情...

HKJA Expressed Discontent over Granting Exclusive Rights to Featuring China’s Gold Medallist to TVB 03/09/2004 17:15
TO: Mr. Patrick Ho, Secretary for Home AffairsCC: Mr. Timothy Fok, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong China and media organization...

HKJA Opposed ICAC’s Raid of News Organisations 24/07/2004 17:33
July 24th, 2004 HKJA opposed ICAC’s raid of News Organisations HKJA expressed deep concern over the raid on 5 news organisations today by the In...

HKJA submission to LegCo on CGO incident 07/04/2004 17:02

HKJA condemns Forceful removal of journalists by the Police (Chinese) 02/04/2004 16:58

抗議馬時亨局長選擇性就細價股事件向部份傳媒交待 11/09/2002 13:46
就細價股事件,財經事務及庫務局局長馬時亨下午透過本港電子傳媒和一間文字傳媒向市民致歉,香港記者協會和香港攝影記者協會認為有關手法絕對不可以接受。 細價股事件導致眾多市民利益受損,作為財金事務三層架構的高層負責人,馬時亨局長的取態對事件發展有重大意義,亦深受市民關注;馬局長今天突然轉變態度,願意向受...

Open Letter to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa on World Press Freedom Day 03/05/2002 13:41
Dear Mr Tung,Today, May 3rd, marks World Press Freedom Day. We would therefore like to bring to your attention two matters of grave concern to Hong Ko...



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