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Report of 2016-2017 Executive Committee of the HKJA 30/06/2017 10:47
The business environment for traditional media has become harsher. In the past year a number of media organisations have laid off staff or reduced manpower. At the same time online news media are facing a lot of difficulties in securing access to government press events due to obstructions from Info...

Newly Appointed HKJA Gerenal Secretary 03/01/2017 06:38
Hi everybody! I am a newly appointed HKJA General Secretary Joyce Nip. You are feel free to drop by my Wan Chai office and we can have a cup of coffee to chat. Happy New Year 2017!

HKJA Press Card Fee Adjustment Notice 15/12/2016 11:34
HKJA Press Card Fee Adjustment NoticeHKJA will adjust the HKJA press card fee to $50 for operating cost. The adjustment will be effective from 1 January 2017. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact our staff (2591 0081) or email to . Thanks!

Report of 2015-2016 Executive Committee of the HKJA 20/06/2016 11:47
The past year seems a relatively quiet year with the end of the difficult and turbulent period brought about by the Occupy Central Movement. Yet, pressure and risk are latent and deeply rooted in the society. The economic downturn hits Hong Kong’s media hard. Journalists are facing both physic...

傳媒工作者採訪化學品泄漏工作指引 17/08/2015 01:00
鑑於天津危險品倉庫爆炸及化學品泄漏,部分本港傳媒相繼派員前往採訪。為保障新聞工作者人身安全,香港記者協會特發指引如下: 一、 綜合內地媒體報道,現場有液鹼、碘化氫、硫氫化鈉、硫化鈉及氰化鈉等化學物質,泄漏情況不明。其中氰化鈉是氰化物的一種。氰化物,俗稱山埃,含劇毒,少量足以致命,它可透過皮膚、呼吸道及消化道進入人體。急性氰化物中毒的徵狀包括呼吸急速、血壓下降、脈搏急速、眩暈、頭痛、胃痛、嘔吐、腹瀉、精神錯亂、顫搐和抽搐。慢性低濃度氰化物中毒,徵狀包括頭暈、頭痛、乏力、胸部有壓迫感、肌肉疼痛及腹痛等,並可能有眼睛和上呼吸道刺激的徵狀。當氰化物攝入量超過個人的解毒上限,可因氰化物中毒而死亡。由於氰...

HKJA 47th Anniversary Lucky Draw for Members 08/07/2015 06:53
The Hong Kong Journalists Association's 47th Annual Gala Dinner was held on 8th May. As some of the prize winners of the lucky draw did not collect their prizes for reasons of their own, the ExCom decided to hold another lucky draw for members who have paid their full membership fees for the year of...

Memo on Covering Demonstrations and Rallies in Hong Kong 29/09/2014 03:47
Please click here to download "Memo on Covering Demonstrations and Rallies in Hong Kong" for your reference. Hong Kong Journalists Association29 September 2014

2014 Annual Report 11/07/2014 02:39
2014 Annual Report "Press Freedom Under Siege" is now available online.

Protest against violence this sunday (2/3/2014). Please join us 28/02/2014 09:57
各位市民,請參與3月2日「反暴力 緝真兇 保法治」大遊行On 26 February 2014, former Ming Pao Chief Editor Kevin Lau Chun-to sustained multiple knife injuries in a brutal attack carried out in broad daylight. Such a blatant act of lawlessness conducted in a public place is a naked challenge to Hong Kong’s security and rul...

Mar 2, 2014 - “You can’t kill us all - HKJA’s Standing in Silence Action” 28/02/2014 03:36
The former Chief Editor of Ming Pao Kevin Lau was stabbed to life risked Wednesday morning . We, members of Hong Kong media industry, condemned the brutal and violence attack against Lau. The perpetrators are not only targeted at the media sector, but also challenged the rule of law and security of ...

HKJA Membership Renewal Notice 24/02/2014 04:54
All members of the HKJA who have not yet paid their annual membership fee, please renew your membership before 28 Feb 2014, The membership is valid from 1 Sept 2013 to 31 Aug 2014. The annual subscription fee is HK$200, student membership is HK$50. Payment Methods:ATM --- Please pay directly to our ...

HKJA Membership Renewal Notice 24/02/2014 04:54
All members of the HKJA who have not yet paid their annual membership fee, please renew your membership before 28 Feb 2014, The membership is valid from 1 Sept 2013 to 31 Aug 2014. The annual subscription fee is HK$200, student membership is HK$50. Payment Methods:ATM --- Please pay directly to our ...

HKJA accepts Wayne Yim's resignation from ExCom 10/02/2014 01:10
HKJA has accepted and respected Mr. Wayne YIM Kim Ho’s decision to resign from the position of Executive Committee Member of HKJA due to family considerations. HKJA also has unanimously passed a Resolution of Thanks in the last Excom meeting in regards to his contribution to HKJA during his t...

A Reporter's Guide - ”When Reporters Meet Law Enforcement Officers” (Chinese Version Only) 15/12/2013 04:43

"Chai Wan Baptist Church Community Health Centre", Medical Service 20% Discount Off 02/12/2013 11:34
香港新聞工作者一直以「拼搏」及「眼明手快」見稱,克盡己任為公眾提供第一手消息和真相。然而工作不定時是這一行的特性,行家過分投入工作,往往忽略個人的身心健康。我們亦常聽見有行家因工作壓力,出現胃病、睡眠紊亂、肌肉勞損等徵狀,近日亦有數名行家因患上急性病而須暫時離開工作崗位,實在令人感到可惜。 有見及此,「柴灣浸信會社區健康中心」為記協會員提供一系列醫療服務八折折扣優惠,鼓勵行家定期作身體檢查,關注個人健康。 有關可享優惠醫療服務包括:    醫療服務   -物理治療  (評估及治療)   -普通科 (診金連三日普通藥物、心電圖、驗孕、預防針、普通護理、化驗、X光驗檢等)   -專科 (診金、縫線...

pentahotel Hong Kong Dining Discount for HKJA's Members 26/11/2013 06:14
Located just eight minutes’ walk from the Diamond Hill MTR, the neighbourhood lifestyle pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon is the first international brand hotel in the Kai Tak area of Kowloon East. Combining the hotel lobby, reception, bar and café into a single venue, pentalounge is a live...

Book Discount for HKJA Members (Chinese Only) 27/08/2013 01:45
記協會員特價訂購《安裕周記——思前想後》 明報出版社給予香港記者協會會員優惠,八折訂購資深傳媒人安裕最新著作:《安裕周記——思前想後》,每本由訂價$80,減至$64,如訂購反應理想,可再獲折上折。(具體折扣優惠視乎訂單數量) 如欲訂購,請在2013年9月5日或之前,聯絡記協辦公室 (電郵) 或 2572-7329 (傳真),留下姓名、聯絡方法、訂購數量 (或可下載表格並電郵本會)。本會將稍後通知付款及交書安排。 表格下載:Subscription_Form.doc 香港記者協會謹啟2013-8-27

Briefing on LegCo's proposed policy on public access to information and records (Chinese Only) 05/08/2013 08:12
立法會邀請新聞業界出席「公開資料及檔案政策」簡介會立法會秘書處上月12日起就公開資料及檔案予公眾查閱的政策,諮詢公眾兩個月,記協認為這是正面的舉動,有助立法會改善查閱機制,方便記者工作。因此,作為記者,你更有需要了解是次諮詢內容。立法會將舉行簡介會,解答記者的疑問,屆時秘書長陳維安將會出席。有興趣的行家可電郵至 或致電2591 0692向本會報名。日期:2013年8月23日(周五) 下午3時地點:立法會大樓502室 備註:記協早前徵詢過熟悉檔案法人士的專業意見,認為諮詢文件有數點需要注意:1. 諮詢文件指出,「議事規則委員會會議的議程、大部分討論文件及會議紀要」...

Tender for the Renovation of HKJA Office (Chinese Only) 16/07/2013 01:05
記協遷入灣仔的會址至今16年,一直沿用原有設施,沒有任何修葺,會址經歷多年風霜,變得殘舊:儲存文件的吊櫃搖搖欲墜、牆壁油漆剝落、膠地板污穢不堪,加上空間有限,物件只能堆積擺放。為打造一個屬於會員的會址,本會將會修葺,現進行招標,以期年底前峻工。 招標內容如下: (1) 全面翻新建築面積約600呎,實用面積400多呎的會址,包括洗手間(2) 拆除或移除物件,包括吊櫃、燈飾、冷氣機、電線等等(3) 更換地板(4) 牆身剷灰及油漆(5) 訂造及安裝新的儲物櫃(6) 重新舖設電線及電掣位 (實際電掣數目容後決定)(7) 更換木門及加裝鐵閘門(8) 翻新洗手間,包括更換地板、坐廁、重舖牆身磚、安裝天花櫃...

注意偽冒香港記者協會之新浪微博帳號 (Chinese Only) 12/04/2013 06:54
香港記者協會近日發現一新浪微博帳號 (網址為,涉盜用本會名稱及標誌,並在未經本會授權下,以本會名義,在有關帳號內發放及轉載與本會立場毫不相關的訊息。 本會特此聲明,本會並無任何新浪微博帳號,該微博帳號及該帳號用戶在新浪微博上之任何言論一概與本會無關。本會並已就此事向新浪網作出正式投訴,要求新浪網禁止該用戶使用本會的名字及標志作任何用途。 敬請各位小心留意。 香港記者協會謹啟二零一三年四月十二日

HKJA Deeply Saddened by the Passing of Nick Griffin 23/01/2013 12:02
HKJA Deeply Saddened by the Passing of Nick Griffin Dear Members, Nick Griffin (李奇), our former Executive Committee member and former Chairperson (Year 1978-79), passed away this morning at the Tai Po Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital. He had long been a champion of press freedom and the well-...

Citi Journalistic Excellence Award 2013 launched 15/01/2013 03:15
Citi Journalistic Excellence Award 2013 launched to recognize excellence in business reporting in Hong Kong Hong Kong – Citi Hong Kong today launched the fourth Citi Journalistic Excellence Award (CJEA) 2013 to support and advance outstanding financial and business reporting in Hong Kong. This...

The Hong Kong Journalists Association held its Annual General Meeting on 23rd June 2012. The election results of the HKJA Executive Committee for the year of 2012-2013 were announced. Listed below are the results of the new committee members. Chairperson Ms. MAK Yin-ting HK Correspondent of Radio Fr...

Joint Letter to CS by HKJA and HKPPA (Chinese Only) 10/01/2012 06:54
林瑞麟司長: 香港攝影記者協會及香港記者協會對於多名記者於昨日早上,採訪病癒後首日上班的教育局長孫明揚時,被政府總部保安阻撓採訪一事,深表遺憾及不滿。 在昨日早上發生保安拉扯記者及以手箍住採訪期間記者的野蠻行為,以至記者與保安肢體碰撞,事緣於政府總部採訪區安排一直未獲妥善處處理,現時大樓西翼的位置設置不當,令記者無法進行採訪,我們對此提出強烈抗議,並要求當局儘快作出改善。 在昨日事件中,留在採訪區等候的記者,根本無法看見及訪攝乘座駕直接經汽車入口駛進政府總部的孫局長,有部份記者因而決定於入口外守候,並於車輛駛入時緊隨拍攝,卻受保安上前阻撓。 公眾透過傳媒了解政府運作,官員有責任面對記者提問。中...

Caution: A counterfeit website of HKJA 10/11/2011 12:12
We found that there is a counterfeit website and organization of HKJA ( kindly notice that our website is Hong Kong Journalists Association 10 Nov 2011

HKJA Calls for Press Freedom Action from Next Chief Executive 11/07/2011 05:20
HKJA Calls for Press Freedom Action from Next Chief ExecutiveThe year from July 2010 to June 2011 has not been conducive to freedom of expression in Hong Kong. This is the main finding of the Hong Kong Journalists Association's annual report for 2011 - titled "Two Systems Compromised: Free Expr...

ELECTION RESULTS OF 2011-2012 HKJA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Hong Kong Journalists Association held its Annual General Meeting on 25th June 2011. The election results of the HKJA Executive Committee for the year of 2011-2012 were announced. Listed below are the results of the new committee members. Ch...

《明報》記者投訴衛生署報告 (Chinese Only) 11/01/2011 01:23
香港記者協會於二零一零年十月廿八日接獲《明報》記者投訴,指衛生署於十月有三次(十五日、廿二日、廿六日)於深夜發放一些並非突然發生、但與市民健康悠關的新聞稿;另外,又指該署於五月十日深夜發放一則發稿前三天發生的市民中烏頭鹼毒事件,質疑衛生署刻意令記者難有充裕時間詳細報道。 本會於十一月二日去信衛生署查詢,衛生署署長林秉恩於同月十一日覆函。 林秉恩解釋,署方的調查工作需時,有時完成的時間已不早,但考慮到藥物品質和安全問題,署方有責任盡快通知公眾,故此立即發布新聞稿,以便市民防範。上述四宗個案絕對沒有拖延,他們在確定有關事實和查證資料後,已立即著手發稿通知公眾。 他續稱,在這些時間出稿實屬迫不得已,...

香港記者協會就《蘋果日報》記者投訴中電的裁決(Chinese Only) 10/12/2010 04:05
香港記者協會就《蘋果日報》記者投訴中電的裁決 香港記者協會於十一月十六日收到《蘋果日報》記者投訴,指中華電力有限公司沒有獨立回覆其有關大亞灣核電站一機組的「餘熱排出系統」其中一段管道,出現瑕疵一事,反而選擇性地通知五分報章與該報一起出席發布會,以聽取該公司解釋。 投訴人認為,若中華電力認為事件嚴重,需要即時通知公眾留意,理應邀請所有傳媒出席記者會,但中電選擇性邀請採訪,難免令人質疑中電企圖藉此減低該報作出獨家報道所帶來的震撼,以及影響傳媒的報道角度,以減低事件的負面影響,削弱公眾的知情權。 本會於十一月十七日去信中電集團查詢,集團公共事務總監劉玉燕於同月廿九日回覆。 中電解釋,由於值勤公關新上...

The Journalist: Too much "Chinese-only" in Press Release 30/09/2010 05:11
The latest issue of The Journalist was released today. This issue looks at the problem of the diminishing use of English the Government Information Services Department(GIS). According to a study by The Journalist in July, the Chinese-only press releases out-numbered the English-only releases by a ra...

Government Promises Press Conference When Announcing Major Policy 10/08/2010 03:39
After the Hong Kong Journalists Association had voiced the grievances of reporters about the misuse of “off the record” briefings, the situation has improved a little. However, the situation is far from satisfactory. The HKJA, therefore, met with senior officers of the Information Servic...

The Journalist: Government Briefs Out the Press Conference 18/07/2010 01:03
The latest issue of The Journalist is released. The cover story looks into the growing problem “off-the-record briefings”. According to a study by The Journalist, the Hong Kong Government held 12 background briefings between March and May. The bureaus which had the most “off-the-re...

2010 Annual Report Released. HKJA calls on government to do more to protect free expression 04/07/2010 04:01
In its latest annual report on freedom of expression released on July 4th 2010, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) has noted a deterioration in the political scene in Hong Kong. It reports that the overall atmosphere has been turning sour - and this is having repercussions for freedom of e...

The results of the Hong Kong Journalists Association election at its Annual General Meeting on 19th June 2010 are as follows: 香港記者協會於二零一零年六月十九日舉行周年會員大會,現公佈二零一零至二零一一年度執行委員會委員如下: 主席 Chairperson Ms. MAK Yin-ting 麥燕庭 副主席 Vice-chairperson Mr. Jackie A. C. SAM 岑亞志 執行委員 Executive Committee Member Ms. CHAN ...

Hong Kong journalists' report on China’s 1989 pro-democracy movement - Goes online 03/06/2010 04:01
Website: In a bid to keep the knowledge of China’s June 4 pro-democratic movement in 1989 alive and sustained, the Editorial Committee of the book People Will Not Forget announces today (3 June 2010) that the 400,000-character first-hand journalistic account g...

2009 ANNUAL REPORT: "Macau Takes The Lead - Dangers for freedom of expression in Hong Kong" 05/07/2009 01:37
The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) today releases its 2009 annual report on freedom of expression in Hong Kong. The report this year focuses for the first time on an event outside Hong Kong - the passage in Macau of national security legislation. This issue is vital for Hong Kong, because ...

The results of the Hong Kong Journalists Association election at its Annual General Meeting on 20th June 2009 are as follows:
主席 Chairperson Ms. MAK Yin-ting 麥燕庭 副主席 Vice-chairperson Mr. Jackie A. C. SAM 岑亞志 執行委員 Executive Committee Member Ms. CHAN Kin-kai 陳健佳 Mr. Steve CHAN...

"People Will Not Forget" reprint after 20 years (Chinese Version Only) 11/05/2009 02:04
昔日新聞 今日歷史20年前64名香港記者在北京的第一手現場報道 全書400多頁逾40萬字,為六四事件提供全面的紀錄和分析  20年前,64名曾採訪北京民運的香港記者,為了讓歷史記載住這件大事,迅速集合起來,將大家所瞭解的北京民運始末,綜合報導,組成一幅縱橫交錯的京城變亂圖。為了梳理出較為全面的場景,香港記者不惜打破工作機構的界限、放下搶新聞的惡性競爭,全心全力撰寫一己的所見所聞;一本新聞界前所未有緊密合作的新聞紀事書籍:《人民不會忘記》,於1989年7月底面世。  本書出版後,瞬即售罄,重印又重印,至當年十二月又出版了增訂版,銷售總數超逾五萬本。由於本書早已銷售一空,因此多年來書店內均無本書踪...

Funeral of Christopher Chiu Loi Fat 08/01/2009 05:45
We are sorry to relay that Mr. Christopher Chiu Loi Fat passed away on 8th January 2009. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to Chiu's family.

Mr Chiu’s funeral service will be held on January 19, 2009 (Monday) at between 5 PM and 10PM at the G/F Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point. A cremation c...

HKJA urges media organizations to avoid staff layoffs as much as possible under difficult time. 08/12/2008 11:46
HKJA urges media organizations to avoid staff layoffs as much as possible under difficult time. Under the financial tsunami, we noted a few media organizations had recently taken layoff actions. HKJA calls on media organizations to value employees who should be regarded as important assets of their ...

Obituary - Mr. Tse Ka Yin (Chinese only) 12/11/2008 04:51
亞洲新聞社(亞新社,EyePress)首席攝影記者謝家賢先生於2008年11月11日猝然離世,本會為痛失一名優秀的同業而深感難過,亦在此向其家人致以深切慰問。  謝家賢曾任職《星島日報》、《新報》、《東方日報》及亞洲電視,生前曾多次深入災區進行採訪拍攝的工作,其認真的工作態度及豐富的工作經驗深得同行讚賞。   謝家賢本答允出席本會11月29日的災難新聞採訪交流會擔任講者之一,上週他交付本會的講者簡介這樣介紹自己:「姓名:謝家賢  入行十三年  經歷:新報,東方日報,星島日報,亞洲電視,亞新社  曾做過攝記及camman  任職單位:亞新社(EyePress News Agency)  平時愛運...

New HKJA Chairperson and Vice-chairperson 04/10/2008 12:36
The Hong Kong Journalists Association held its Extraordinary General Meeting on 4th Oct 2008. The by-election results of the HKJA Chairperson and Vice-chairperson for the year of 2008-2009 were announced. Dr Camoes TAM Chi Keung and Mr TANG Kong Fai were elected to be the Chairperson and Vice-Chair...

Obituary - Mr. Chung Kwok Wah (Chinese Only) 24/09/2008 02:48
致鍾國華先生生前好友、傳媒界同仁:   《都市日報》執行總編輯鍾國華先生於9月7日在北京採訪殘奧會期間,因心臟病突發,搶救無效去世,哲人其萎,同感惋惜。   為緬懷鍾國華先生,《都市日報》同仁謹定於2008年9月26日(周五)在九龍紅磡世界殯儀館恆基堂舉行追悼會,向鍾國華先生奉獻最大的哀思。當日上午11時30分至下午3時接受各界致敬和花圈,下午2時15分追悼儀式正式開始。 記協執委會2008-2009

Release of Annual Report 2008 06/07/2008 01:02
RISING NATIONALISM - Potential threat to Hong Kong's freedom of expression The Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) today releases its 2008 annual report on press freedom in Hong Kong. The title of the report is “RISING NATIONALISM- Potential threat to Hong Kong's freedom of expression&rdqu...

2008-09 HKJA Executive Committee Election Results 30/06/2008 11:39
ELECTION RESULTS OF 2008-2009 HKJA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The results of the Hong Kong Journalists Association election at its Annual General Meeting on 28th June 2008 are as follows: 執行委員 Executive Member Kenny COYLE Don GASPER 唐納德 Ben KWOK 郭家傑 HO Fu-yee 何富彝 Stanley LEUNG Kam-hung 梁錦雄 POON Ki-chi 潘麒智 ...

Mourning Mr. Lu Keng (陸鏗先生), our Veteran 23/06/2008 10:59
(Chinese Only)資深新聞工作者陸鏗先生於零八年六月二十一日(美國時間),因肺血栓引發心肺腎功能衰竭等病症,在舊金山聖法蘭西斯醫院逝世,享年八十九歲。 陸鏗先生自一九四零年投入新聞工作,畢生致力爭取新聞自由,曾為此在內地入獄二十多年,其一生投注於新聞工作上之熱情,詮釋了新聞工作者最可敬的精神。記協懷念陸鏗先生,並對陸先生的家人致以深切慰問。

2007-08 HKJA's Executive Committee Members Attendance Table 10/06/2008 06:34
We are now publicizing 2007-2008 Hong Kong Journalists' Association's Executive committee member attendance table for your reference. .                                 . .                                 . .                                 . Name Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Tota...

Safety Notes & Counseling Services to Journalists covering Sichuan Earthquake 20/05/2008 03:01
Dear colleagues, Many journalists flew to Sichuan province to cover the aftermath of the earthquake on May 12. They sent the people of Hong Kong as well as the world first-hand information from there and fulfilled the public’s right to know. Your job well done has won praise from the general p...

Press Release for World Press Freedom Day 2008 30/04/2008 02:57
Freedom of Expression in Hong Kong? International Organisations Call for Freedom of Expression in ChinaGroups Condemn HK Government’s Denial of Writers and Artists’ Entry to Hong Kong HONG KONG 30 April 2008: In the run up to the 100-day countdown of the Beijing Olympics, internationally...

A series of events for "World Press Freedom Day". Please join! 28/04/2008 02:29
Dear all, As you would be aware May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. This special day was promulgated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom, one of Hong Kong’s very own core values. It is also a day to pay tribute to those, especia...

2006-07 HKJA's Activities Attendance Table 29/06/2007 01:20
Name Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Attendance Total Attendance Rate Woo Lai Wan V V V V V V V V -- V V X 10 93% Lo King Wah V V V V V V V V -- V V V 11 100% Tang Kong Fai V V X V V X V X -- X X V 6 55% Ho Fu Yee X V V X X V V X -- V V V 7 64% Cheung Ping Ling V X X V X X X X ...



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Judgement (19-08-2015)


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2017 Annual_Report: Two Systems Under Siege

2016 Annual Report: One Country Two Nightmares 

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  "17th Consumer Right Press Awards "  


HKJA's Publication: "The Journalist"

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  "People will not forget" - A HKJA's Publication for the June 4 Incident
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