HKJA call on our members and colleagues to join the Labour Day Parade
29/04/2010 09:10
Dear members and colleagues,HKJA will join the Labour Day Parade this year. Our appeal and main slogan is "Press Freedom、Decent Wage (捍衛新聞自由,爭取合理待遇 )", We will march from Victoria Park to the Central Government Offices. We call on all media professionals to participate in the May 1st peace...
釋放劉曉波燭光晚會 / Release Liu Xiao-bo Candlelight Vigil
12/01/2010 04:30
Date: 12 January 2010 (Tuesday) Time: 7pm - 9pm Venue: Open area outside the Legislative Council (facing the Prince's Building) Dr. Liu Xiaobo, prominent Beijing writer and honorary president of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre, was sentenced by the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court to 11 y...
13 Sept (Sun) - Protest march on Liaison Office
10/09/2009 08:12
9月13日(日) ─「香港記者遊行 抗議疆官誣陷」遊行 13 Sept (Sun) - Protest march on Liaison OfficeWe are alarmed to heard that the Xinjiang authorities used force and violence to prevent journalists and media workers reporting on matters of major public interest in Urumqi. Three Hong Kong TV journalists covering the prote...
Please join the May 3 Activities (Petition, Bus Tour, Arts Fair)
02/05/2008 05:30
Journalists, Authors and Artists Submit Statement Demanding Chinese Government to Ensure Freedom of Expression at the Central Government Liaison Office Freedom of expression concern groups, journalists, writers and artists are going to submit their statement to the Central Government Liaison office,...
Release Hu Jia Online Petition Campaign - 網上聯署 ● 立即釋放維權人士胡佳
18/04/2008 07:40
Click Here to Sign the Petition 聯署按此 背景 Background 一直關注愛滋病、環保及弱勢社群權利的維權人士胡佳,多年來為社會弱勢社群或不公義的事情發聲。2007年12月底被拘捕前,他已被長期軟禁在家,失去真正自由,期間更不時遭遇綁架、短期拘留及被公安施虐等。然而,胡佳未為所懼,仍克服困難將民間違反人權的事情向外披露。 2008年4月3日,北京第一中級人民法院以胡佳在2004年至07年在美國註冊的一個中文網站《博訊》上撰寫五篇文章及接受海外媒體两次訪問,裁定他「煽動顛覆國家政權」罪名成立,這無疑是一宗以言入罪的典例,立即引起世界關注和不滿。而在上訴期...
Online Questionaire for China news reporters on harassment at work"
..... [Online] / [Paper Form] |
"People will not forget" - A HKJA's Publication for the June 4 Incident
Online Version .. [ Detail ]
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