The 17th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards Submission Deadline, 10 February 2017
08/02/2017 03:08
The 17th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards, organised by Consumer Council, Hong Kong Journalists Association and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association, is now open for submission. Journalists whether directly employed or freelancers, in print, broadcast or web-based media are welcome to participa...
Winner list of the 13th Consumer Right Press Awards
30/07/2013 03:22
(Chinese Version Only)第十三屆消費權益新聞報道獎得獎名單 組別:新聞 金獎 外傭供應減中介勁加價 - 杜潔心 李安琪 蔡瑤 (香港經濟日報) 銀獎 本報記者扮遊客放蛇 往紅磡收150元 廣東道7截的士3遇黑的 - 林耀華 陸文 衛永康 (明報) 銅獎 《蘋果》化驗超市火腿勁發水 蛋白質含量少 大量添加劑 無法例規管 - 張岳弢 (蘋果日報) 優異 美容院高薪挖公院新醫生 - 冼韻姬 黎嘉愉 錢瑋琪 (明報) 優異醫學美容研規管 英美星取經 - 楊玉珠 何詩韻 陳正怡 (香港經濟日報) 組別:特寫 金獎 本港牛肉價格狂升之謎 - 李建人 郭增龍 蔡淑儀 (星島日報) 銀獎 ...
The 13th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards Open for Entry
20/12/2012 04:27
The 13th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards Open for Entry Consumer Rights Reporting Awards aim to raise the general public's awareness of consumer rights and to award excellence in press coverage of consumer rights issues and concerns, for the enhancement of consumer empowerment and fair market. Plea...
Consumer Rights Reporting Awards
28/11/2006 12:00
Award Winners 2014 Award Winners 2013 Award Winners 2012 Award Winners 2011 Award Winners 2010 Award Winners 2009 Award Winners 2008 Award Winners 2007 Award Winners 2006 Award Winners 2005 Award Winners ...